This Monday the fourth he premiered his new reporting program, Focus, with an investigation that quickly became a phenomenon in networks: “the truth of a viral miracle, Flos Mariae”.

48 hours after its premiere, three of the members of the Catholic group, Montse, Patricia and Flor, now members of Mariah’s Pop, have issued a statement announcing legal measures against Focus, produced by La Fábrica de la Tele, “and the people who have slandered us and lied about our lives. “Always forward with faith. Up and towards Heaven!” concludes the brief note.

In the report, the Focus team analyzed the phenomenon of this group, made up of seven Bellido Durán sisters, and claimed to “discover the truth of their history.”

Alba, María, Flor, Estel, Victoria, Patricia and Montserrat are the seven singers who promised the Virgin and Jesus that if their mother, María Durán de Bellido, healed from a tumor, they would form a musical group to spread the Catholic faith. Her mother claimed that she spoke directly to God.

Focus reporters showed the transcripts of those conversations that María Durán supposedly had with God and in which, according to the program, it is explained, among other things, that the sisters may not have been in school.

The group was born in 2012, and three years later the mother would die. However, the seven Bellido Durán sisters continued with the group for six more years, with millions of views, but also with many other controversies.

Cuatro’s investigations also investigated the great schism of the family, which became apparent with the dissolution of the formation and the creation of two new bands between which the sisters were divided: 4HBD and the aforementioned Mariah’s Pop.

Under the alias of ‘The other Bellido Durán brothers’, on social networks they responded to a video published by the smallest of the sisters reproaching the seven members for making them believe that it is “a model family”.

“How many years have we gone without talking to each other? (…) We are your older brothers, even if we think differently. We are the ones who live in real life, on the street, close to the family, our grandparents, uncles, cousins… those you have abandoned. We are the other Bellido Durán brothers”, they wrote on Twitter… the other five brothers of the Flos Mariae components? The banished for not wanting to follow the family doctrine?

In these tweets, they also pointed to physical and psychological abuse within the home. In addition, ‘Focus’ showed one of the emails that were sent to the father of the family even when María Durán was alive.

“It would not be the first case of a family that starts like this and ends up becoming a sect, they even stop going to mass and their leader becomes the only one who has contact with God. There are even cases that have ended in suicides groups. Watch what you become”, could be read in the messages.

Eight years after these sisters went viral, Focus located the sisters in a town in Castilla La-Mancha, where they live in seclusion at home.

The program also spoke with his other brothers, who assured that their only objective is to “cause a reaction in their sisters” because they want their happiness, that they open up to the world and that they regain contact with society and with them.

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