The discovery of a human head in Bonn causes horror. The man who shed his head also leads investigators to the rest of the body. The first results of the investigation are now available. So it’s probably not a violent crime.

Contrary to initial assumptions, the grisly discovery of a severed human head in front of the Bonn district court could not have been the result of a homicide. According to the police, the man was already dead when his head was severed from his torso. According to a forensic medical examination, he died of natural causes as a result of a serious illness.

The dead man was therefore a 44-year-old man. The 38-year-old, who had placed the severed head of the dead man in front of the courthouse, is still being investigated. An arrest warrant was issued against him on suspicion of disturbing the peace of the dead.

According to police, he has not yet testified about the allegations. He had given the clue to where the rest of the body was found. The 38-year-old is known to the police primarily in connection with narcotics crime. A possible tool has not yet been found.

Passers-by discovered the head late Tuesday afternoon in front of the court, and a short time later the body was found nearby. The 38-year-old was arrested as a suspect. The man who previously attracted attention due to drug offenses, like the dead man, should be assigned to the homeless scene.