A 28-year-old German was sentenced to a long prison term in 2019 for fatal shootings in Berlin. After three years, he will be allowed to relax and go free. The man uses this to escape.

The Berlin police are looking for a convicted rocker who did not return to prison after an exit. According to a report by the “Tagesspiegel” it is a Hells Angel who was convicted in 2019 for fatal shots at the Kottbusser Tor in Kreuzberg.

A spokesman for the Berlin Senate Department of Justice confirmed that a 28-year-old prisoner had not returned to Tegel Correctional Facility (JVA) from an unaccompanied exit last Saturday. The police were then alerted. This initiated the immediate search, said a spokeswoman. According to the justice spokesman, the offender has to serve an eight-year prison sentence. Mid-2026 is noted as the end of the sentence. After a “detailed examination” it was recently decided to relax the man. At first he had an escort.

By fleeing, he has now gambled away the privileges. If the man with German nationality is caught, according to the judiciary, he will not be able to enjoy the relaxation again for the time being. According to information from the “Tagesspiegel”, the fugitive rocker is said to have left prison unaccompanied for the first time on August 26 in order to be able to attend his child’s school enrollment. According to the newspaper, other prisoners have complained that a dangerous violent criminal has been given this relaxation, while even men who are only in prison for theft are not allowed to do so.

Investigators now fear that the 28-year-old could go abroad, the paper writes. The Hells Angel fled to Turkey after the crime in 2016. He was then caught in Bulgaria with false papers and extradited.