One of the news hopeful of the last week could have been the request to the other shareholders, on the part of the investment funds us government with a presence in the capital of Facebook, forcing the cessation of Mark Zuckerberg as president of the company. Might have been hopeful because today it is urgent and necessary to take out that huge middle, support, and lever that the internet is the quagmire of a criminal in the that it has gotten, and threatens the livelihoods of democracy. But you have to use the conditional because, with a couple of movements regulatory debatable, Zuckerberg seems to have locked up permanently the 60% of the political rights of the shareholders, and this could prevent descabalgarlo.

the investment funds are concerned about your money, of course, is not primarily the black holes of the management of Zuckerberg, but those are the ones that have led to the devaluation in 30% of the shares after the uninterrupted series of scandals that in these pages enumerábamos few days ago.

Zuckerberg, forgotten the initial infatuation with your figure of juvenile genius, he has shown his real face: without attachment to the liberties, marketing with personal data of millions of users, misrepresenting grossly the audience data from the videos of Facebook, and especially by not responding with measures minimal and ineffective before the use of your social network by groups of hackers organized by different political powers, to cause social conflicts and distort elections.

The fake news and the perversion of the flow of information, the world are not exclusive to Facebook, of course: Twitter and Instagram also inspire a lot of complaints. But Facebook is identified as the major transgressor. National and international laws that persecute falsehood, libel, and slander seem to be defenceless against the network of networks, which escapes the rules that apply to a newspaper, a television, a book, or a banner mural. If you do not find a way to stop the falsehood organized, and this will end in global conflict. Set aside to Zuckerberg will not suffice, of course, but it would be an important first step.

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