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time Shift: how Dawns before or after? What I’m going to sleep more or less? All of the keys

This Saturday, there is a need to delay the clock, and do not, it will not be the last time

The time change is already here. Tonight, we have delayed the watch at 0300 in the morning to be the 02.00 h. We have a Sunday with 25 hours but also with some discomfort.

The entrance to the winter schedule seeks to achieve a small energy saving taking advantage of the light of the first hour of the morning. However, it has always been questioned to what extent it affects health change the clock twice a year or if it truly serves to save energy.

Europe launched the query, and 93% of spaniards who voted answered in favour of the repeal of the time change. It is for this reason that this is probably one of the last that we have. But, really, how it has effects on our health?

Antoni Ten Noguera, professor of Physiology at the University of Barcelona and an expert in chronobiology, points out that yes that will cause a series of disorders by the time change. Among them, is the appetite before, or difficulties with the reconciliation of the dream. Some discomfort that affect especially the most vulnerable or sensitive, such as the elderly and children.

Tips for adapting to the time change

To mitigate these disorders and to better adapt to the time change, we can carry out a series of measures. For example, for the problems at the time of sleep, should be going to bed 15 minutes later, in the days before and get up 15 minutes before. A key that also works to “trick” our body with meal times.

Go to the nap is not a good idea if today we are very tired, especially if this is extended more than due. If we fall into temptation, probably tonight will be harder for us to get to sleep.

Nor is it good to do exercise-to-last hour of the day as we pass them on to our body that has to be activated. In addition, it is advisable to avoid caffeine and alcohol, and the ideal would be that the dinner of this night is as light as possible.

According to the criteria of

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