It bothered Laura Londoño and it bothers her that they told her and continue to tell her that she was always the favorite to win MasterChef Celebrity 8. It bothers her because she is clear that if she has won it has been because she has risked what not many would be willing to risk and because she has sweated a lot.

The actress, protagonist of Café con aroma de mujer, risked everything to participate in MasterChef Celebrity 8. She left her house in Colombia, packed all her things, took her husband and two children and came to Spain without knowing how long. could last in culinary talent. For this reason, the best phrase that describes the contest that Laura Londoño has done is one of the phrases that she has repeated the most during the three months of MasterChef Celebrity 8: “One can only risk and play what they are willing to lose.”

For this reason, when you talk to her about each question she always has a “thank you” for her family and for herself. The pressure that Laura Londoño was under was multiplied by two young daughters and a life change filled with doubts. What if She was kicked out of MasterChef Celebrity the first week? What if she had risked so much for nothing? What if… “Comfort is a bit dangerous for our growth,” she says.

“In Colombia I was very comfortable and putting everything away, packing everything, arriving in a new city where you have to look for schools, where your friends are not, is a movement that requires a lot of effort and a lot of energy,” she says. Laura Londoño has won MasterChef Celebrity 8 because she was the best, but Laura Londoño has won a lot

I made a huge effort to appear calm, but behind the cameras everything happened to me.

I earned it because I worked for it, I worked for it too much