According to the court, a 37-year-old first murdered his rival and then repeatedly raped his ex-girlfriend. Now the accused is sentenced to the maximum penalty: he should go to prison for life. It’s not the first ax murder the man has committed.

The so-called ax murderer from Kalletal is to be imprisoned for life. The Detmold district court sentenced the 37-year-old to this prison term for murder and multiple rapes and also determined the particular severity of the guilt, which almost rules out early release from prison after 15 years.

The court also ordered preventive detention so that the man would not be released even after he had served his sentence. He had already killed a man with an ax ten years ago. Because of this history, the court sees a penchant for comparable acts.

The verdict is not yet legally binding. A revision, i.e. a review for legal errors, is possible at the Federal Court of Justice (BGH). The Detmold district court agreed with the public prosecutor’s claim. The defense counsel, on the other hand, had only pleaded for an appropriate punishment for murder by malice; his client had denied the rape.

According to the court, the Azerbaijani killed a sleeping 39-year-old with an ax out of jealousy in June 2022 in Kalletal in the district of Lippe (North Rhine-Westphalia) and then raped his ex-girlfriend several times. The accused had confessed to the homicide of the man from Rinteln in Lower Saxony in the process. He denied the rape and described the sex as consensual. The court rejected this representation. The woman was lying asleep next to the victim when she did the crime and, as a witness, had described her great fear of the attacker.

The crime was followed by the accused fleeing for weeks in the direction of Poland. Shortly before the border, special police forces caught him.