Kazuki Takahashi is the creator of Yu-Gi-Oh!, a manga comic series. The manga comic series Yu-Gi-Oh!, which was a worldwide success, has been discovered dead at sea in Japan.

According to the coastguard, the 60-year-old died from apparent drowning near southern Okinawa Island.

A Nago official added that he was discovered off the coast with an underwater snorkel, mask and fins.

He said, “We are investigating this case as both an accident and a crime.”

Yu-Gi-Oh! (which means King of Games) is the story of Yugi, a spiky-haired teenager who gets an ancient puzzle which awakens in his alter ego an Egyptian pharaoh. Then, he solves conflicts by using games.

It was first published in Shonen Jump, a Japanese comic magazine. In 1999, it was made into a trading card game.

The game was a decade later awarded the Guinness World Record as the most-sold trading card game with more than 22 million cards. The franchise grew to include videogames, books, and figurines.

According to NHK, Takahashi was located 300m offshore. On Wednesday, he was discovered and identified.