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the Story sounds terrible. According to the Swedish newspaper Aftonbladet will She, at 40, to serve two years in prison for a ”unique judgment regarding the LSS support. The fact that her son, who lacks the ldl and the risk of suffocation during the night time, soon, but both of his parents.

the Woman claiming to be the error occurred when she and her husband changed their weeks with each other and with the companies that administer to her son’s personal assistant forgot to take note of the changes.

”unfortunately, We have relied on the companies to do their job and the tasks that they will charge you a fee to do so.”, she says to Aftonbladet.

if you take the time to read the ruling, a very different picture. It is a matter of a number of assistants who are only employed on the top of the paper, and that is to repay the salary paid to the interviewees, She and her exman. They have been able to steal 6 of 200 000 Swedish kronor from the social Insurance office. She has been convicted for a serious bidragsbrott for 182 times. Cheating is for the hundreds of millions of
Yet you chose to Aftonbladet, that the hårdvinkla the story, and make it sound like that the families at risk of long prison sentences on the vårdbolagen the intermediary makes a mistake. As I Anny, Berglin has been pointed out, the leading article is a lot of fear among the people in need of personal assistance. In a mejlkonversation by Berglin, which she posted on her blog, is defending the reporter found out that she has not been so much interested in the question of guilt”. For no matter what it is, of course, children and the disabled, are suffering as a result of the end of the day.”


the state investigating officer, Stig Svensson is between two and seven per cent of the annual LSS support for fraudulent companies. It’s the equivalent of between 600 million and 2.1 billion dollars a year.

this is The type of activists, and selective journalism is more common during the past two decades. However, since the first blogs, and then social media hit the big time, the media have no longer the monopoly of the in the verklighetsbeskrivningen. It has done this for more nyansrik.

Padraig, do a half-p
the newspaper Aftonbladet made on Thursday, a half-poodle, and in addition to, the article should have included ”more of the prosecutor’s presentation of the court’s conclusions. The newspaper’s deputy editor in chief, Eric Rosen, points out, however, that it is ”often essential” to describe the also of convicted persons to fear for the future”.

on the Question of whether the personal assistant has long been have been able to discuss in a normal fashion. Media standardvinkling, where it is usually the social Insurance, that is, the impurity source is an important factor in this.

However, the fact remains that When the LSS, the reform was launched in the year 1994, the total cost to the state assistansersättningen 2.4 billion for the year. Today, the price tag of around 30 billion annually, and is growing steadily. The industry has been drawn to the fraudulent businesses that take advantage of the assistance which they never do, and in addition, has led to the so-called ”do-import”. It is hard to accept.

READ MORE: , As it enabled the brukarimport” Sweden