The Time Keepers and the Time Variance Authority, which they run, are not the benign entities that they initially appeared to be. They actually hide something much more sinister. Mobius (Owen Wilson), was skeptical about Loki (Tom Hiddleston). He explained that Mobius and his colleagues were variants taken from their pasts.

Mobius lost his life due to this revelation.

Loki was then presumed dead, but Loki was resurrected during Marvel’s iconic post-credit sequences. He appeared in a “Come With Me if You Want to Live” moment, which introduced three new characters and raised many questions.

  • The episode ended with an explanation of Sylvie’s story and the role Judge Renslayer (Gugu Mabatha-Raw), played in it. This revealed her part in the bigger plot. You can find out what the plot is next week by tuning in, as Sylvie ended the episode asking for an explanation.

    It was difficult to process. Not to mention the funny bit of Jamie Alexander playing Thor’s friend Sif, and smacking Loki around in a time loop.

    • The three Marvel shows on Disney+ took their time in advancing the story. They approached the narrative like a long movie cut into sections. This is due to the complexity of time-travel stories. It has made it difficult to find clarity and delayed it, which has increased pressure on the final installments.

      This seems like a big hurdle based on the progress made by producers so far. However, with an antihero as resourceful, there is potential for a way.