A 24-year-old woman is sexually abused by her stepfather and later forced into prostitution. The mother allows this for fear of being abandoned. The district court of Schweinfurt sentenced the two to several years in prison.

A girl is said to have been sexually abused by her mother’s partner and later forced into prostitution by him and her mother – now the two have to go to prison for it. The district court of Schweinfurt (Bavaria) sentenced the 51-year-old mother to two years and nine months and the 54-year-old man to four years and six months in prison, a court spokesman said.

The man is said to have sexually abused the 24-year-old daughter several times as a teenager. When she was a young adult, the court was convinced that her mother and her partner forced her into prostitution. In the trial at the Schweinfurt district court, the 24-year-old alleged victim testified against her own mother and her partner. Since the victim’s intimate life was at stake, large parts of the trial took place behind closed doors.

The accused man is said to have molested his partner’s then underage daughter between around 2013 and 2016. In addition, he is said to have later offered the girl online for sexual services. According to the indictment, the mother allowed this for fear of being abandoned. According to investigators, she also worked as a prostitute.