“Yes, my table was richly covered, my Band is ready, a great program is seen on stage and to marvel at a beautiful stage image, but Corona has unfortunately made a dash through the bill.” With these words, Marco Rima (59) begins his video message on Facebook. The comedian needs to tell his Fans that he needs to postpone his upcoming Tour to the year 2021.

For him, it was just plan heavy. “With the current protection concepts, I would have to play in the hall station so that the distance of two meters is granted.” He’s kind of a shame, and added boldly: “I’m not always assumed, we would have like in football, those noisy Hooligans, pulling spitting and nagging through the ranks, every cough on, or may also be infected, even if it is only with an alcohol flag.”

“actually Should be possible, but…”

He had a great audience, that actually is not so. “Therefore, it should play be possible, but as always – the spacing rules of two metres shall apply.”

In March 2021, it is time to start with his “No Problem”-Tour.

It is not the first Time that Marco Rima criticized the regulations of the Federal government. Already in mid-may, he released a Video in which he said: “Actually, nothing happened.” It rained criticism.