Almost two weeks ago Emma García received the Antena de Oro for her work on the leading weekend afternoon program, Fiesta. She dedicated it to her family, to her father, who died in 2022, with whom she always shared every moment of her life and… and she left the award in the car.

Sigmund Freud would say many things about this. So we began the interview with one of Mediaset’s star presenters and one of the most loved by viewers by doing a little psychoanalysis: “Let’s see, I didn’t forget (laughs). She was wearing a very wide skirt, the heels. .. and I told my beloved director -Eva Espejo- that she should keep it and give it to me the next day. In short, I was very clear about the prize that I wanted to place it at home and, especially, give it to my daughter and my husband In fact, the first thing I did when I arrived was tell them ‘for you.'”

She has not yet given him the space he deserves at home, but Emma García is clear that she is going to take him to Donosti, to the land where she grew up and where she returns whenever she can, because as they say, you always come back. where he was happy.

Although she is one of the faces that have been on television for more than 20 years, few know that the presenter of Fiesta, A tu lado, Mujeres, Hombre y Viceversa and so many other formats came to this world by chance. She wanted, like almost all of us who study journalism, to be a war correspondent. And she was. She also by fluke and by accident or luck, depending on how you look at it. It was during the Bosnian war. The first time she was in the third year of college and she went with the Red Cross. “It was a hard and complicated experience, which now you look back on and think ‘who would think of going there with a newly approved driving license to travel thousands of kilometers’,” she confesses. The second, she was an intern at a news agency and due to circumstances of destiny and, although the interns could not travel, much less to a war zone, she went there and there she realized that “you have to be made of a very special pasta, we are talking about a war”. “Look,” she interrupts, “I didn’t expect that after so many years we would have to talk about a war again and we would be like this again, it doesn’t enter my head nor will it enter any of us.” The perennial, constant smile that always accompanies her disappears. It’s just a moment. “When I get serious, I get very serious.”

And with At Your Side came stardom. In fact, Emma García recognizes that Fiesta reminds her a lot of those years when A tu lado entertained millions of viewers every afternoon. Now, he has more experience, but “I still have the same enthusiasm.”

The reality is that Emma García and her team can forget about tachycardias. Fiesta, produced by Unicorn Content, Ana Rosa Quintana’s production company, is, with an average of 35.9% contribution to the network so far this season, the entertainment program of the entire week, which contributes the most to the data of Telecinco on its broadcast days, on weekends. And in this, although she wants to draw on humility and the great family that was formed in the program, Emma is very much to blame.

Over the years I have learned to manage the pressure of data because before they even gave me tachycardia

Versatile if ever there was one, Emma García, as grandmothers would say, is good for a broken and unstitched person. She can present a reality show, a magazine show, a dating show, a contest… “I only have the news programs left,” she says, throwing in the line in case anyone wants to listen. “I approach everything the same way,” she says. “I always try to be myself in a contest, in a current moment or at a heartfelt table,” she adds, and insists: “I think that since I like what I do and I like to get out of my comfort zone, well here we go “.

If I’m wrong, I’m wrong, but I make the final decision and I stick with what I do.

Every weekend afternoon, before entering the set, Emma García tells herself and the rest of the crew “let’s enjoy it.” It is her motto, which keeps the flame of illusion lit. On the day that her clothing allows it, she carries with her a small quartz and on her wrists “always, always, always” a bracelet from her daughter Uxue and another from her grandmother, who died a few years ago. . “For me this is fundamental and then breathe, breathe and breathe”, and breathe.

It is surprising to talk to a presenter, to a star, to the host of a successful program and to see that her feet are firmly planted on the ground. She reveals to us that she does her own hair and makeup whenever she can, to feel like herself, and that this helps her not to fly away and get lost in the clouds. For her, success is not the audiences, nor the Antena de Oro, nor having been chaining successful programs for more than 20 years; For her, success is not having gotten carried away, “having always been the one who made the decisions.” “If I’m wrong, I’m wrong, but I make the last decision. So, if I have something to say, I say it to myself and I stick with what I’ve decided and what I’ve thought.”