The subject of heated since the violent death of George Floyd (d. 46) in Minneapolis (USA) in the minds of more and more “Black Lives Matter”protests take place around the Globe. Today, it is discussed in the “Arena” (22.25 Uhr, SRF 1) on the topic of racism. The Motto of the discussion show “Now to talk Black”. But in the front series of discussions, three of the four protagonists are white, on pushes many sour.

So, too, the artist and activist Brandy Butler (40). She posts on her Instagram profile a picture with the inscription “We do not support the current Arena.” To VIEW you clarified your statement: “The Panel does not fit to the title of the show. Among the four main participants, three white people, one of them is SVP national councillor, one is a Republican and has chosen Trump. The only Black in the round is a comedian.”

Republicans and SVPler on the Front lines

A glance at the guests of the consignment shows: In the narrow circle of SVP national councillor and police officer Andrea Geissbühler (43), SP-national councillor Samira Marti (26), Republican James Foley (54) and comedian Kiko (35) discuss. Now and again, to the discussion brought in Angela Addo, Juso-member and co-organiser of the rally, will be “Black Lives Matter” and Gabriella Binkert (59), President, SVP Val Müstair. Borussia-Dortmund-players Manuel Akanji (24) is switched on for an Interview.

in the discussion of “the Club” last Tuesday evening Butler have seen what happens when Blacks are in discussions about racism in the minority. “You had to constantly defend their experiences with racism. No one knows better what it’s like to be black than Black itself.”

Butler had been. a pure black Panel desired

For today, you could have wished for in a pure black discussion panel of the SRF, particularly with regard to the title of the show”Also, there are different opinions. It is not so, as there was no discussion of the spectrum.” Therefore, they had failed to comply with the invitation to the show – as well as many well-Known of her. “The people I know, have no desire to discuss with the SVP on their fundamental rights. There is no question that racism exists is Yes. Rather, it should be discussed, what can you do about it.”

of the Same opinion, left activist Anna rose water (30). “If the programme with this title is touted, I expect another round of discussions,” she says. “We need to give Black listen to, and a platform to understand what they experience on a daily basis,” she says. “Finally, we don’t set the White, which is racist. Just as no Heterosexual can judge what is homophobic and what is not.”

Also on Social Media the displeasure is getting louder and louder. Musicians Knackeboul (38) says: “I think that’s a very bad idea and a disservice to the black Community. You can call off the Exercise?”

Also, Twitter users Efya Langenegger is indignant: “It can’t be Serious that you radiate the Arena show tonight! “Now we’re talking Black”?! The consignment should say, “Now we are talking about the Black”!”, she writes. “Because we have a voice of their own, you need only speak.”

Sandro Brotz sees no Problem

The heated discussion Arena”-Moderator Sandro Brotz on Twitter says, “simply, “In the consignment of three Black people are invited. Add to switch to Manuel Akanji and another Black. It is not so, that 3 of the 4 invited guests are white. As a Moderator I can guarantee for a fair debate.” What he thinks to the discussion about the announced program title leaves it open. (imh)