In the case of the allegations of the alleged victims of model Agency boss James N.* (33) emerged as an important topic: power gap. This fact ensures that anyone can take advantage of a rather dependent Person faster.

“power differentials are a major risk factor that it comes to the use of sexual violence by the “more Powerful”,” says Christoph Erdös (57), founder and Chairman of the victims Advisory in Zurich. Sexual violence against men is often, the number of unreported cases is high. The reason is the high barrier of Shame for men to talk about the experience. “This also has to do with the image of men in our society,” he says. The effects can be devastating. “It can lead to self-endangering Actions, up to suicide, deep depression, or dissoziativem behavior.”

He promised the great career

as far As it went, in part, A. Ö.** (22) from Bern, says to be on the Tricks of James N. fell. “He promised me the big dream of modelling career, said to me, but again, I was not good enough.” Therefore, he should send the agents there are always new pictures and Videos on which he’s posing in underwear erotic. “That’s what I did in March 2019 for a month, no questions. Until I told a friend and she opened my eyes. She said that the go at all and he just wanted to satisfy his cravings.” A. Ö. stand in front of a pile of broken glass: “I had stopped my studies, and was able to forget the Modeling, I also.” In addition, the shame would have been great to talk about the experience. “I got depressed, thought of suicide and had to go to therapy,” says Berner moved. The lawyer of James N. refers to the presumption of innocence.

For Florian Vock (30), prevention expert, Aids help Switzerland, shows the Described a typical approach: “In the case of sexual violence it’s about Power. This is used to satisfy his own needs.” He draws Parallels to the scandal of the late US businessman Jeffrey Epstein (1953-2019). “He promises to be the big career, invites to parties, and urges the victim in the corner.” So a case could also happen in universities or in companies. “Everywhere, where systems and structures are very hierarchical, and the career of each Manager depends on the time and again. If the environment tolerates such behavior, remains a perpetrator blameless.”

Add to this the allegations to James N., the fashion scene the body is the A and O is. “So you can sell a Model fast that the touches are normal. The exploit is unethical and, often, punishable by law.”

victim counseling centers is often better than a direct response to the police

Victims of sexual harassment, sexual coercion, and sexual violence, advises Vock to register with a cantonal victim counseling center. “You are familiar with the topic and to consider legal ways – anonymously and free of charge. In the case of the police this is not possible.” In addition, Vock advises, to make out of solidarity grounds a display. “Alone, in order to set a sign. The more in a case report, the better.”

Here is a victim of sexual violence the help

In case of an emergency: police, Tel. 117

The Samaritans, Tel. 143

Christoph Erdös expects to be the often down-played to the efficiency of a display: “The clearer, more detailed and immediate the display and the statements of the victim, the greater the chances are. I’ve seen a lot of convictions. The judiciary is aware of the problem and is willing to do their part to improve the Situation, to contribute.”

* the Name has been changed

** Name known to the editors

you can find help Here

loneliness does not have to be: The Swiss Red cross (SRC) has a visiting and accompaniment service for people living alone. The service is regional, organized by the red cross cantonal associations ( The salvation army offers activities for singles, such as lunch tables ( Seniors can check with the Pro Senectute ( Advice there are also in the country churches ( The Samaritans, Tel. 143 ( can also help. Young people visit the emergency number 147 ( in the case of Pro Juventute help.