He could forward to the Board. But he does not! Ski-Idol, Peter “Pitsch” Müller (62) has yesterday opened a new sports shop in Einsiedeln, SZ. “I can’t lie on the lazy skin,” he says. “I have to work in life, or I’m just stupid ideas.”

The Store should have been three months ago, its doors open. But then, the Corona-crisis came. “And I had to make re-sealing”, said Müller.

And why he has decided, of all things, for Einsiedeln? “It’s not safe at the monastery,” says Müller. With places of pilgrimage, he did not much on the hat. The locality had been a lucky twist of fate. “The prospect of the myths I like but,” says the downhill world champion of 1987. “Up there I was driving earlier often Ski.”