
The fantasy drama series ‘House of the Dragon’ concluded its second season with a finale that left fans eagerly anticipating the brutal Season 3. However, fans will have to wait patiently for two years until they can see their favorite characters back in action. In the finale, eagle-eyed viewers noticed a specific detail that they believe was a nod to the series sequel ‘Game of Thrones’.

The final shot of the episode showed Emma D’Arcy’s Queen Rhaenyra Targaryen standing tall surrounded by scrolls listing the Targaryen family history. Some fans thought this scene could be a reference to a ‘Game of Thrones’ moment where King Joffrey Baratheon reveals Rhaenyra’s fate. Interestingly, it turns out that Joffrey unknowingly spoiled the ‘House of the Dragon’ finale nearly ten years ago.

In an episode of ‘Game of Thrones’, Joffrey casually mentions Rhaenyra’s tragic death while talking to Margaery Tyrell. This seemingly insignificant detail has now become significant for “HOTD” fans following the Targaryen civil war. Joffrey’s statement about Rhaenyra being murdered by her brother’s dragon while her son watched accurately foreshadows the events in “HOTD” regarding the Dance of the Dragons.

The resurfacing of this clip on social media has shocked fans who are surprised that the spoiler went unnoticed for so long. Additionally, the ‘House of the Dragon’ finale featured a scene where Matt Smith’s Daemon witnessed a prophetic vision that included Daenerys Targaryen as the Prince That Was Promised, as well as glimpses of the three-eyed raven and the White Walkers.

Based on George R.R. Martin’s book ‘Fire & Blood’, the series delves into the history of the Targaryen dynasty, exploring the events that led to their downfall. The intricate details and connections between ‘House of the Dragon’ and ‘Game of Thrones’ have captivated fans and left them eagerly awaiting the next season.

As viewers reflect on the finale and the unexpected spoilers from the past, they are left speculating about what Season 3 of ‘House of the Dragon’ will bring. The intricate storytelling and interconnectedness of these two series have created a devoted fan base that eagerly anticipates the next chapter in the Targaryen saga.