In an institute of the Community of Madrid, several teachers teach their subjects in the same class Photo: SERGIO GONZALEZ VALERO | Video: LUIS NÚÑEZ-VILLAVEIRÁN <i

, An institute of the Community of Madrid sets out the team work among the teachers as a priority axis of your project

In the IES Julio Verne de Leganés five teachers give class at the same time in the same classroom

Also share good practice with other schools and learn from each other

At the institute jules Verne Leganés (Madrid) five teachers of different subjects give class at the same time in the same classroom. The topic is the War of Independence, and each one explains from what dominates. The Drawing examines Goya and the Literature analyzes poems about social conventions. The Biology tells of the great scientific expeditions that began during the Enlightenment while the Story speaks of Napoleon. The session ends with Abba singing Waterloo YouTube, an idea that occurred to Elena Lace, the English, which is the youngest of the group.

it Seems a bit chaotic, but the classroom has 100 square meters and the 51 students -have joined two classes of 4º ESO – remain unusually attentive. Don’t get distracted. “In 20 minutes I learned more in two days”, will be expressed then to the exit of the teenager Alejandro Utrilla.

This peculiar way of giving class is still experimental in the institute. The idea is to implement it at least one hour per week from the course that comes for students to learn to “relate what they learn” and realize that “in life there are no watertight compartments”, in the words of its instigator, Ana Hernández Revuelta, who is the head of studies and also professor of Drawing that explains to Goya from the Brothers Chapman.

She and her colleagues give the class together, evaluate together and observe each other in a way of understanding the teaching that is not frequent. A few days ago, the PISA Report was pulling the ears of teachers of Spanish because of how much it costs them to work in a team. The majority acknowledges in private: an “excess of zeal” leads them to consider “interference” than other companions to get into their classes to observe how they do it.

“In this group, we all thought: ‘I am the best’, and that is a problem. We all have to learn from all of them,” says Charo Trujillo, professor of History, which has put students to analyze the decree, which Napoleon signed the June 3, 1808, to justify his invasion of Spain.

Trujillo is the most veteran and recognizes that he is not accustomed to share the tricks that have been treasured for decades. But is in it. Because in the institute they all realized that what they were doing was useless.

“The system is not functioning”

“The kids are bored and us also. All the world sees that the things do not work, that there is a level of failure and of abandonment important. And the weariness is so great that some of us are putting the batteries. Can not be that there are teachers who are willing to retire,” says Hernandez Revolt.

gives the reason the director of the institute, Francisco Javier Bellón, who adds: “the guys have a hard time concentrating because you have many things, such as the internet or social networks, that will distract from learning”.

The jules Verne is one of the few centers that has made the team work between the teachers all a priority in its educational project. From the management team encourages teachers to share what they do. And not only collaborate among themselves, but also publicized its methodology on the outside. Some of their good practices have been replicated in three other Secondary schools. Participate, also, in a mentoring project of the ministry of Education of the Community of Madrid, which matches to colleges and institutes who want to learn from each other and makes it easy to make reciprocal visits to copy strategies and ways of teaching.

These teachers are part of a new movement, still very much a minority, that leaves the door of the classroom is always open and encourages other colleagues to come in to look around. Aware that you are the pillar of the education system and that a good part of what they do has a direct impact on students, use blogs and social networks to share their tools.

“We are too few,”

this Is the case of Juan Villar, professor of Language and Literature of ESO in the school públicoEgape of Urnieta (Guipúzcoa). Put on the internet what makes it and so do his students -“it gives Them a lot of self-esteem”- and is involved in a project of the Education Department of the basque Government, which leads him to go three times a month to other colleges. Then those teachers are going to observe your class. “It is not very common for Language teachers to do this. We are starting to generate a current, but we are very few in sharing what we do, about 100 in the Basque Country [35,000]”.

Also works well Lara Romero, ICT coordinator of the private school Alameda de Osuna, Madrid. Or César Poyatos, a former employee of a subsidiary of IBM who has had 15 years teaching at the college concluded San Diego and St. Vincent de Madrid. “Each teacher explains their objectives and put them in common. We sit together, we plan together, and evaluate together. What we do at the level of the center. But, before you get down to it, we begin to open the classroom to fellow students. One got into my classes and I told him what I had learned. Then I went to his classroom and gave feedback,” he explains.

Poyatos account that, once a month, meeting in the afternoon with about 30 other teachers to exchange tricks. “What we have called Open Classroom Blog and may come who wants to. There are people from all stages, from different schools and of different subjects. We also share resources in Telegram. This doesn’t serve us to get sexenios, but it helps us to improve the learning of our boys.”

why is it that in Spain the teachers are so little given to work in a team?

“We’re very inbred and we lack security in ourselves. Before, we went in front of the students and tried to survive, but the teaching is professionalizing and there is already a specialisation in methodology. People are starting to share because it has more security”, John responds Villar.

What it is that they with all this?

“It enhances the look and gives you strategies that you don’t have. If we do not go beyond, we ended up teaching with models purchased. Be transparent and horizontal has helped us to grow at the level of the center and also at a global level for the students”, says César Poyatos.

do you Have results in the students?

All of the opinion that this form of collaboration has implications then for the good in students. Elena Lace contends that the kids end up making more of a team, because they learn from the “real world example” that give them their teachers. “In the TWENTY-first century works on the network and in network, everything happens by working together,” notes Poyatos