The program that Telecinco broadcasts tonight in its prime time about Ana Obregón and the birth of her daughter, but also a granddaughter, by surrogacy was created just two weeks ago. Santi Acosta, who returns as a presenter to Mediaset after 11 years, is in charge of conducting the special Ana -tonight on Telecinco at 10:00 p.m.-. However, Acosta is not only the master of ceremonies, the journalist is the one who has managed and created the entire program in just a few days.

The night that the special on the Negreira Case was broadcast on Cuatro, Santi Acosta and Producciones Mandarina presented all the unpublished images that will be seen tonight to those responsible for Mediaset. He had no intention that they would end up becoming a special program, much less that he be the presenter, but Mediaset did not doubt it for a moment. “So many things come together, so many passions on the subject of Ana…”, Santi Acosta starts.

The seed from which the special on Ana Obregón sprouted was born just a few days ago. “There are documentaries that take us months to sell and we have sold this one and made it in two weeks,” says the journalist in a telephone conversation.

“We showed them the images of the paparazzi who got the news. They told us that if we were capable of preparing a program in a week and we jumped into the pool,” Acosta told this newspaper hours before the broadcast of the program about Ana Obregón . “The presenting thing came later and I felt very grateful,” she says.

Santi Acosta had not presented anything on Mediaset since the Materia reservada program ended in 2012, the late night that aired for a year on Telecinco on investigative reports, there have been many works he has done for the group from the other side , the hidden side. Documentaries such as 9 days and 2,500 nights on the 1978 Constitution or this last one, that of Negreira, had his stamp. But it has been the case of Ana Obregón that has made Santi Acosta return through the front door to Mediaset.

“What we are going to see in this program are unpublished images of Ana Obregón, but above all information and certainties,” he says. For the first time, Ana will show the sequence of the entire process, from Ana Obregón’s departure at the Madrid airport to the United States, her arrival, her day-to-day life during her stay in Miami, waiting for the time to pick up her new daughter, until the moment he sees her for the first time holding her in her arms.

And here is the question that everyone has been asking since last Friday: Did Ana Obregón know? Is Ana Obregón going to be heard? Is the presenter and actress aware of everything that is going to be revealed tonight? To the first question, Santi Acosta answers bluntly, “no”. But it is that Ana Obregón was not aware of the images that are going to be seen tonight nor of those that accompanied one of the most impressive covers of Hola! magazine: the one of her leaving the hospital in a wheelchair with her daughter in arms.

“They are going to kill me and I don’t know if I can tell,” Santi Acosta tells us. Wanting to tell “the truth” of this shocking case is more than the fear of being reproached for revealing some of tonight’s exclusives: “What will be known tonight is that Ana Obregón did not know anything, she did not sign any exclusive. The paparazzi who got the news worked from when they received the first clue until they found it. There was no exclusive on Ana Obregón.”

According to Santi Acosta, when the Gtres paparazzi get the images of Ana Obregón leaving the hospital, one of them returns to Madrid and goes to the Hola! with the images. “At 09:00 on a Monday morning, Gtres takes the photos to Hola!” magazine, says the presenter, “and whoever takes them spends 5 hours until Hola!, due to the time difference with Miami, manages to talk to Ana Obregón and confirm the information. Until that moment, Ana didn’t know anything.” And he forcefully adds: “Ana Obregón does not need to do an exclusive.” Another thing is the second cover of Hola!, the cover in which Ana Obregón presented her daughter and announced that she was her granddaughter because she had been gestated with the semen of Áless, her son.

And from those images that until now have only been seen in magazines, the images of tonight emerge, in which, as detailed by Acosta, they are the first images “in motion and the first minutes with the baby” of Ana Obregón. “We don’t have footage from inside the hospital and even if we had, we wouldn’t have released it,” she says.

Because if something was clear to Santi Acosta, Producciones Mandarina and Mediaset it was the treatment that was going to be given to this special. “We were clear and so they asked us that we had to treat this whole issue with the greatest respect because, first, people deserve to be treated with respect whatever they do and, second, because there is a baby in the middle that inside In a few years she will see what was told about her on television”, she explains.

In the program, not only will these unpublished images of Ana Obregón be seen since she took the flight to Miami and until a few days ago she was already walking with her daughter, but the debate on surrogacy and “the suffering of a mother who has not been able to overcome the death of her son”.

“It is undeniable that there is a legal, ethical and medical debate and it must be raised in society because it is necessary to talk about it, but talk about it calmly. I don’t remember the last television talk show person who changed his mind live, but I would love for it to change tonight opinion was not a defeat”, explains the presenter. And he concludes: “Without judging and without stoning because judges are to judge and the Inquisition is to stone.”

Thus, Santi Acosta will be accompanied on the set by a group of collaborators and experts in social chronicles who will complete the information offered in the report, analyzing each block and commenting on the images.

What there are images of is her traveling on the plane that would take her to Miami, of the days before the birth of her daughter that Ana Obregón lived through, of her admission to the hospital to attend the birth, of the first moments of the presenter with the little girl, her departure from the hospital and the first days of the grandmother and mother.

Aware of the “so brutal impact” that Ana Obregón’s surrogacy has generated, Acosta is clear that his job is to “provide the information and let the public have an opinion.”

“We are going to try to clear up doubts regarding the exclusive, we are going to report how journalists and the paparazzi work in a case that has police overtones and we are going to open all the debates because science has advanced us. It has advanced our legislation, to our way of seeing life and we have to adapt to these new reality, open our minds and listen to each other. Will we succeed?” asks the presenter, who prefers to remain neutral and not give his opinion on the case: “I do not think I provide information.”

The question that many have been asking since Telecinco announced the special remains to be answered: is Ana Obregón going to speak? No, but Santi Acosta has been able to talk to her on WhatsApp and with whom he has been able to talk these days in which he has been preparing the program is with her surroundings and her family. Ana Obregón is fully aware of what is going to be broadcast tonight. Santi Acosta and the producer have informed her.

“She is a happy woman. She has regained her happiness. And you can debate all you want about what she has done, but now she has a baby that makes her happy and that is going to be happy,” Acosta says.

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