One thing is one thing and six half a dozen, and the egg cup has been filled with Gema Aldón in Survivors 2023. The contestant’s behavior towards the Survivors medical team must have crossed the red line. Carlos Sobera consents, but up to a limit, and the limit has been crossed by Gema Aldón.

We will rarely see Carlos Sobera pissed off presenting a program and, in particular, presenting Survivors. The presenter usually always either bites the bullet or calms down. But last night in Survivors: In No Man’s Land, Carlos Sobera said enough.

Ion Aramendi already gave the first notice last Sunday: Gema Aldón wanted to leave Survivors very touched by an elbow injury. Well, okay, if you already have a bad time in Survivors being in good health, if you get injured on top of that, the slope becomes Everest. And that’s what the program’s medical services are for. Let’s not think that the contestants are abandoned by the hand of God and that nobody is aware of them and their health. There is a medical team that attends to them whenever they need it. It is not that they are glued to them for 24 hours, but they are present in the live shows, in the tests and just a stone’s throw away in case they are needed at any time.

Gema Aldón hurt her elbow last week. She must hurt the most, that’s not the problem. The problem is that Ana María Aldón’s daughter has decided not to let the doctors treat her. On Sunday she explained that she is afraid of her needles and, of course, the doctors had to infiltrate her and she would not let it. The result, another new abandonment attempt, the third in this edition, which Ion Aramendi stopped, making things very clear to her and allowing her mother to put the handbrake on. But it seems to Gema Aldón that Aramendi’s warnings and her mother’s encouragement have entered one ear and have come out the other.

If she wants to quit, she’s already an adult and also aware of what it means to quit Survivors. What they will not consent to, much less Carlos Sobera, is for a contestant to pay the piper for her desire to leave with the Survivors team, in particular, with the medical team, whose job is solely to take care of the contestants.

Due to the anger that Carlos Sobera had last night, Gema Aldón’s behavior must have crossed the limits of Survivors. Carlos Sobera was very clear with Ana María Aldón: “Your daughter Gema, because of the situation, because she is very upset by the pain or perhaps because she is thinking about things outside, I don’t know, she is reaching a point where she is losing a bit of paperwork, nerves. I’m not saying it because of the swear words, but because she’s having a reaction with the Honduran medical team where she’s not being the nice and friendly girl that we all believe and want to see.”

Gema Aldón’s injury occurred last week. It is undeniable that what the contestant fights in the Survivor tests is incredible. In her battle with Jonan, Gema Aldón hurt her elbow a lot. She is swollen, it must hurt like hell, no one denies that, the problem is that she refuses to be treated and she has been like this for a week.

Come on, Gema Aldón’s bad milk is getting out of hand. And I’m not saying that she can’t explode, explode and lose her temper at any given moment, in fact with Raquel Mosquera she’s having it and very fat. But it is one thing with another contestant and another thing is to lose your temper with the medical team, and not only lose your temper with them, but not let you treat yourself. Fear of needles, yes, but there is a background that is that Gema Aldón must have been looking for what she finally got, to be separated from Survivors. And that is what ended up happening, given the attitude of Gema Aldón and her complaints with her elbow, the Survivors organization removed her from the reality show until the doctors carry out more tests, until the MRI that they are going to do gives her the go-ahead. good to continue.

The story goes much further than bad behavior with the doctors or that he really has an elbow injury -the doctors already said on Sunday that he could continue in Survivors-, the story is that if the medical team decides that he cannot continue and return to Spain, there is no sanction or economic fine. Simple as that. It has happened other times. He went through with Isabel Pantoja and he went through with Violeta, but in the case of both of them, her health did not allow them to continue. In the case of Gema Aldón, it has been decided to separate her from Survivors and carry out more tests because she has pushed the organization to the limit and the organization does not want to play it.

Carlos Sobera’s words were crystal clear. It is not even necessary to read between the lines: “The situation is getting a little out of hand. She is bad in that sense both physically and emotionally and is losing her temper. As much as the medical team is trying to intervene, she is not making it easier for the doctors or the staff and it’s not making it easy at all. We’re getting into a bit of a vicious cycle.”

It turns out that during these days Gema Aldón has refused to allow the doctors to treat her on the island, as Carlos Sobera detailed last night, putting all the difficulties in the world, losing the papers with them, and last night, when the presenter, announced that they separated her from Survivors to carry out more tests and check the extent of the injury, then she is going to let herself be treated. Hey, it is still true that she has an injury that prevents her from continuing and that she really is at the limit of everything, but that she sounds strange, strange, strange, no one can take it away.

In fact, last night Survivors showed the images of that behavior. In the images you can see how the doctors come to attend to Gema Aldón. The medic tells her that they are going to put her arm in her sling and that they are going to give her an injected anagelsic to take away the pain. Turn off and let’s go. Gema Aldón refuses, tells them no, no injections: “I shit on the bitch of Survivors and her fucking mother!”.

The toilet asks him again: “Do you want the medication yes or no?” Gema Aldón, with a spectacular nervous breakdown, tells them that they want them to take away the pain, but… but not to prick her. “Now I feel like an asshole, because people are going to think, what an asshole aunt who doesn’t want to prick herself,” she assured when the doctors had already left. Then, the refrain began to sound: “I want to go home. I undermine myself and my companions.”

When Ana María Aldón, on the set, tried to defend her daughter’s attitude and stood up for her in the face of criticism from the presenter and collaborators, affirming that her daughter was doing what the medical team had told her, Carlos Sobera was not he could contain: “Not that. Allow me to correct you. I’m sorry, but no. He’s not paying attention. The medical team started asking him for absolute rest and he didn’t even fucking pay attention.”

You can say louder, but not clearer: “no fucking case.” That is to say, it is not only that Gema Aldón is terrified of needles, it is that she goes through what the doctors are telling her. Because? Well, I don’t think even Survivors know why. Why does a person who is suffering, who is in pain, who cannot be one hundred percent in Survivors, not let himself be treated? Why is she losing it with the team when all they’re trying to do is heal her? It is difficult to understand what is going through Gema Aldón’s head and more when she began as one of the favorites of the program.

Gema Aldón was giving her all, but she has reached the point where you get over this first bump or the mountain won’t let you cross it. It seems that she convinced herself that she can no longer go on and that her time to say goodbye has come. But, of course, if she says goodbye, what comes next will be an even bigger mountain.

And it is over. Survivors is not going to play it in the face of the possibility that Gema Aldón really has an injury that becomes more serious because she does not allow herself to be treated. So, given the attitude, the behavior and the crossed limits, the organization made a decision: “Gema has decided to undergo a medical resonance to check the extent of the injury he has and to continue with the therapy that the service Survivor doctor is performing. It is removed from the contest for the moment”.

Surely, at tomorrow’s gala we will already know the extent of the injury and if Gema Aldón can continue in Survivors. If she can’t, a new casualty, if she can, it sounds like she’s going to get a good scolding because if she had let herself be treated and listened to the doctors now we would be in a different situation. It’s a shame because Gema Aldón, along with Adara, who was saved from nomination by the audience last night, beating Raquel Mosquera, Asraf and Gabriela Arrocet, were the most dedicated survivors. As said, a pity.

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