Ana Obregón surprised by announcing that she had been a grandmother by surrogate pregnancy. The actress is currently in Miami but it is already known that when she returns to Spain, she will go to El Hormiguero.

In the delivery issued on April 13, Pablo Motos and his collaborators spoke about the news. “I spent a little restless vacation … On the plane, before taking off, Nuria Roca tells me ‘do you know something? This Ana Obregón thing has opened a door for me,’ “said the presenter. “Let’s see, she was reading Hello! And it was a joke, she was commenting on what she was seeing, that’s it, nothing came to my mind,” the collaborator clarified with a laugh.

It is then that Motos announced that Obregón will visit the program. “I think we are going to have the opportunity to listen to Ana Obregón herself as things are going. We have invited her to the program and she has said yes, I think, she can change her mind. It is a management that you do and they tell you that yes, later it may be that not, but I think we are going to have the opportunity to listen to it”, he explained. Obregón has already attended the program previously in 2014 and 2016.

It should be noted that David Broncano has also dropped that he would like to have Obregón in La Resistencia. “Have we invited Ana Obregón? I want to interview her,” he asked Ricardo Castella.

“No, but now, taking advantage of this, it seems like a good time,” he replied. “I invite her,” Broncano said. “Let him come, let him come. Let him bring the girl too,” Jorge Ponce joked.

On April 19, El chico de las musarañas will go on sale, a book that Aless Lequio began and that, after his death, Obregón finished. “What an emotion, my Aless, we are already going for the second edition in pre-sales,” the artist announced on Instagram.

“A million thanks to everyone for buying it and for your solidarity, as you know, all the author’s profits will go to my son’s foundation, Fundación Aless Lequio, to investigate childhood and youth cancer. I feel your eternal smile on my face. deep in my heart,” he added.

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