Italy immobilizes the ship of the Catalan NGO Proactive Open Arms ATLAS <i

The boat is in Pozzallo, Sicily, where did disembark to 216 migrants rescued off the coast of Libya

The boat of Proactive Open Arms ‘Astral’ about to the Balearic islands, the drama of the fleeing

The Spanish NGO Proactive Open Arms confirmed to EFE that the prosecutor’s office of Catania, on the Italian island of Sicily, has made a judicial sequestration preventive of your boat and that it has opened an investigation for encouraging the illegal immigration after what happened at your last rescue.

The prosecutor of Catania, Carmelo Zuccaro, has opened the investigation against the commander of the boat, Mark Reig and the coordinator of the mission, Anabel Montes, considering that in the last rescue “has encouraged illegal immigration, and have violated international agreements”, according to Italian media.

The boat is docked at the sicilian port of Pozzallo, where he arrived yesterday to disembark the 216 migrants rescued off the coast of Libya.

Zuccaro is the same magistrate who last year said that some NGOS were in agreement with the same dealers and even received funding from them.

The investigation has been opened after what happened this weekend, when the NGO alleged that a vessel of coast guard libyans approached the boat and threatened to open fire if not he gave them the immigrants that had just rescue on the high seas.

The incident occurred outside territorial waters, libyan, about 73 miles (around 117 km) from the coast of the north african country, highlighted on Twitter the president of the humanitarian organization, Oscar Camps.

For its part, the Italian Coast Guard explained that the mission was being coordinated by the libyans.

however, in a statement to which he had access Efe on Saturday, the maritime authority libya accused by his party to the humanitarian organization, Spanish and others who work in the rescue of persons in Libya of interfering in the operations and violate their territorial waters, despite the fact that they operate beyond the 25 corresponding miles.

The boat requested after permission to dock at an Italian port, but did not receive it until the Friday night.

From the Spanish consulate in Rome and the consul in Catania, in Sicily, have already made contact with the captain of the ship, reported to EFE sources of the Ministry of Foreign Italian.

The crew investigated and with the assistance of a lawyer, Rosa Emanuela Lo Faro, who explained to the Italian media with irony that the only crime committed would be the “solidarity” because “no one commits crime for the aid of the people.”