The last CIS survey about Andalusia paves the way for the PSOE in order to perpetuate their hegemony, but it brings up some china in the shoe. One of them is the percentage of andalusians who were concerned about the health, which has soared to 7.5%. Four years ago, it did not reach the 2%. The various socialist governments have bragged of the Andalusian Health service (SAS) as a model of fairness, efficiency, rational use of medicine and system of incentives to professionals. This myth has been collapsed. The revolt of the white coats and the angry citizens demonstrated in the streets with massive demonstrations -largely driven by the doctor of granada Jesús Candel, known as Spiriman – uncovered a precarious rampant that the Board tried to alleviate in this legislature with the cessation of several high-ranking officials and a package of investment insufficient.

waiting Lists, analytical that expire by the delay in the appointments of specialties, failures in diagnoses, abuse of the externalizaciones and a collapse perennial in the emergency room. Such deterioration is the result of the clipping of 7,000 million committed by the Board between 2010 and 2016 in the funds for a matter that it eats 30% of the regional budget. This hack is unbecoming of a Government that says the social democrat. Especially when, in the light of scandals such as the cards opaque the foundation for training and employment (Faffe), the Administration andalusian still supports a volume of grease which should shield the essential services in the policy to reduce the deficit.

If this does not happen a cyclogenesis demoscópica unexpected, Susana Diaz, will remain president of Andalusia after the 2-D. The socialists, with the complicity involuntary of an opposition clumsy and docile, they seem immune to unemployment and corruption. In contrast, before the blight, a health babble. Doctor Rafael Bengoa, one of the fathers of the Osakidetza (health and basque) and a former advisor to Obama, has spent years arguing that “the political vacuum is affecting the efficiency” of the system. It is a inhibition that the PSOE in andalusia has already begun to pass bill. We will see to what extent.

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