A young woman is discovered lifeless in a car in Ingolstadt, the emergency doctor can only determine her death. When identifying the corpse, the investigators quickly have doubts about the initially assumed identity of the dead.

The case of a woman found dead in a car in Ingolstadt has taken a surprising turn. A 23-year-old, initially identified as a victim of violence, was found alive and arrested, according to the police in Ingolstadt on Thursday. An arrest warrant was requested against the woman and a 23-year-old man who was also arrested on suspicion of a homicide. They were to be brought before the magistrate on Thursday.

On Tuesday evening, the body of a 23-year-old was discovered in a parked car in Ingolstadt. Family members had previously found the woman in an initially obviously needy situation. However, an emergency doctor could only determine her death.

According to the information, the autopsy and forensic comparisons raised “massive doubts” about the identity of the woman. At the same time, several references were received from witnesses who confirmed these investigation results.

On Wednesday evening, the officials finally arrested a woman living in Ingolstadt, who was the 23-year-old who was initially thought to be dead. During the night, a 23-year-old man was arrested in his apartment with the help of special units. There are sufficient suspicions that he was involved in the homicide.

According to the police, the dead person found in the car was also a 23-year-old woman, who, however, came from another federal state and “looked strikingly similar” to the arrested person. According to the information, the investigations are now concentrating on possible relationships between those involved in the crime and with the dead, in addition to clarifying the motive and reconstructing the course of the crime.