Paula Vázquez returned to RTVE this summer 16 years later, and she did so to present The Bridge of Lies, a highly successful contest on the BBC of which there are still two installments to be broadcast and whose results have not stood out, neither for better nor worse. bad, but they have led Wednesday night in three of their six dates.

The mechanics are simple: a group of celebrities, four per broadcast, answer true or false questions that make them advance along a bridge. “You learn from lies, as in real life. And the truths… The truths make you move forward,” the presenter said in an interview with this newspaper when she presented the format.

In response to a request to the transparency portal of the specialized television publication TVienes, RTVE has revealed the salary that Paula Vázquez has received for the eight recorded installments of the contest. The presenter’s final salary was 80,000 euros, that is, 10,000 for each delivery.

According to information from the same medium, La 1 has invested 220,117.55 euros per episode in the contest, a total of 1,760,940.40 euros for the entire season.

The public channel is waiting to replace one of its historical faces after her return, after it decided to replace her with Raquel Sánchez Silva at the head of the El Conquistador debate, which is reaping historically bad audience figures.