The 2024 “Normandy Memory” show is to take place as part of the commemorations of the 80th anniversary of the Normandy landings. The “immersive” device (…) consists of a theater of 1000 moving seats, advancing over more than 400 meters, to experience the epic of the Landings, of its preparation for the Battle of Normandy. As the theater progresses, around thirty scenes will be offered to spectators. », Describes BFMTV.  

The spectacle arouses controversy among the descendants of the Kieffer commando. These descendants criticize the show which, according to them, favors strong sensations and the spectacular side to the detriment of history and reflection.

Criticised for its aim of stimulating tourism rather than commemorating the Normandy landings in a meaningful way, the show is also criticised because, according to its opponents, it risks simplifying historical events and appealing to an audience with too little knowledge of the subject.

The descendants also believe that the show is motivated by economic ambitions. They deplore the brevity of the show to the detriment of the expected depth and historical reflection. 

Commando Kieffer, named after Commander Philippe Kieffer, was a special unit of the Free French Naval Forces during World War II. This commando, made up of French volunteers, played a crucial role during the Normandy landings on June 6, 1944. Their main mission was to support the Allied forces by landing on the beaches of Sword Beach. Despite significant losses, Commando Kieffer managed to achieve its objectives, thus contributing significantly to the success of Operation Overlord. 

Today, the descendants of the commando members are the main detractors of the “Normandy memory”.

To learn about the Normandy landings in a fun and educational way, other less controversial events and activities can be explored. 

Guided tours of the landing beaches and museums such as the Caen Memorial or the landing museum in Arromanches offer complete immersion in the history of this major event of the Second World War. 

Historical reenactments, conferences led by renowned historians, temporary exhibitions on specific aspects of the landing also constitute interactive and instructive ways of discovering this crucial period of history.