There is no doubt about the fact that tobacco is the leading cause of cancer and it is also the biggest preventable cause of cancer. People who use such products and who are regularly around such products have a heightened risk of cancer due to the tobacco products and the chemicals which damage DNA. The use of tobacco leads to different types of cancer which include lung cancer, larynx, mouth, bladder, throat, liver, pancreas, stomach, rectum, colon and even of cervix. People who think that chewing smokeless tobacco gums can reduce this risk are wrong as this increases the risk of cancer in the mouth.

In short, there can be no safe level of smoking tobacco. People who use any kind of tobacco product are urged to quit and they are the ones who should be looking for electronic cigarettes. Electronic cigarettes are devices which are controlled by a battery and which heat up the e-liquid in order to produce the heat that turns the liquid into vapour.

What is your cancer risk from smoking tobacco cigarettes?

The total number of years that you spend in smoking has an impact on the risk of incurring cancer strongly. For instance, if you’ve been smoking 1 whole pack a day for 40 long years, this is much more harmful than smoking 2 packs a day for 20 years. Hence, it is never late to quit smoking. You can speak to a pharmacist or your GP and visit NHS stop smoking service to help yourself ditch smoking. The more is the number of cigarettes that you smoke in a day, the higher will be the risk of developing cancer and hence reducing the number of cigarettes which you smoke in a day is probably the first step that you can take. Research reveals that for every 15 cigarettes that you smoke, there is a noteworthy change in DNA which causes one cell in your body to become cancerous. However, the best process of reducing the risk is to quit smoking totally.

Why should you switch to electronic cigarettes?

The foremost reason to switch to electronic cigarettes is that it doesn’t contain tobacco, tar and smoke. Tobacco is burnt in combustible cigarettes and this is the leading cause of harm in human health but when you switch to electronic cigarettes, there is nothing that is burnt inside. The device just heats up the liquid and then transforms it to vapour which is sent out in form of plumes.

Therefore, when you’re a smoker who has smoked for a long time now, try hard to quit as soon as you can. Switch to e-cigarettes and reduce the harm that is caused to your body.