With about 40,000 reported cases, the number of the Corona reaches-new infections in the United States, on Thursday set a new all-time high. The previous record value of 36,400 new infections by 24 is. April exceeded, such as Figures of John Hopkins University shows.

The “Washington Post” had previously reported about 39.327 reported new infections on Thursday. Therefore, States such as Texas, Arizona, Florida and New Mexico, plan announced relaxations for the time being, not to implement. Alone in Texas, a new record of 6000 new cases had been reached within 24 hours. In the United States, about 2.4 million infections with Sars-CoV-2 have become known. More than 124,000 people died with the Virus.

in view of the rising Figures in America, the Federal Minister of health, Jens Spahn (CDU), called on Germans to continue to exercise caution in the pandemic. “This is a solemn warning to us in Germany, to remain vigilant,” wrote Spahn on Friday on Twitter. The 40,000 new infections in the United States in a single day, showed that the pandemic will not have reached its global climax. “Where is the Virus gets a Chance, it spreads”, further wrote to the Minister of health.