Do you find yourself filling up your tank more often than you’d like? Are you driving a fuel efficient vehicle but still paying more than you thought for gas? It’s possible that your employing some bad habits when it comes to your fuel efficiency. Fuel efficiency is as much about the way you drive as it is the type of car you drive, so follow these tips to reduce how much you pay at the pump and improve the way you drive. 

1. Check Your Tire Pressure Once A Month

Give your tires a quick once over every month to make sure that they are inflated correctly. Under inflated tires means you’ll have more rolling resistance and friction on the road, causing your vehicle to work harder and consume more fuel. 

2. Utilize Cruise Control

Cruise control is a great way to salvage your mileage when you’re driving long distances. In general, driving on the highway is more fuel efficient, so if you’re really concerned about your mileage, opt for more highway driving in lieu of commercial streets. 

3. Don’t Idle Your Vehicle

Idling your vehicle uses up gas because it causes your engine’s air/fuel mixture to be very rich, so when you’re waiting for longer than a few minutes, turn your car off to save fuel, this also saves your engine from wear in the long run, and will help to reduce the harmful unburnt fuel that running rich releases into the air. 

4. Get Regular Engine Check-Ups

Regular engine check-ups help maintain the health of your vehicle, and that includes gas mileage. Every car should be maintained in order to keep it running smoothly, whether it’s new or old. If you own a newer car you may be entitled to OPCF 43 (Waiver of depreciation), which covers the full value of your car at the time of purchase in the event of a total loss. If not, compare car insurance quotes from leading insurance companies to find out if you qualify. You may find the same coverage, or better coverage, at a lower cost. 

5. Change Your Oil Regularly

Changing your oil regularly helps your engine function at its best, which means that you get more mileage out of your car, and protect key components from wear. 

6. Don’t Stop and Start

According to Natural Resources Canada: “The harder you accelerate the more fuel you use. In the city, you can use less fuel by easing onto the accelerator pedal gently. To be as fuel-efficient as possible, take 5 seconds to accelerate your vehicle up to 20 kilometres per hour from a stop. 

7. Choose The Right Gas For Your Vehicle

The owners manual for your vehicle will come with specifications for the kind of gas recommended for your car. A lot of drivers are tempted to just go with the cheapest option when it comes to filling up, but using a gasoline that’s not recommended for your car may be one of the reasons you’re unhappy with your gas mileage, and in most cases can even cause permanent damage to your engine! 

8. Factor In Weight

Driving a full car to and from work everyday? Carpooling is great for the environment, but it may be costing you more when it comes to gas mileage on your vehicle. Ask friends to pitch in if you drive them regularly, or try and lighten the load by emptying the trunk of your vehicle, a place where many people store unnecessary items. 

Being fuel-conscious is one of the most important ways to engage in responsible driving. Keeping your fuel costs under control just requires that you pay attention to your vehicle and optimize its function. Remember that upkeeping your car will allow you more fuel efficiency, and ensure that minor problems are corrected before they cause real damage.