Choosing to live on your own in as big a city as New York can feel intimidating. However, this city is home to many amazing opportunities. No matter what you are searching for when you come to New York, there is a high chance you are going to find it. Here are some of the things you need to think about when you prepare to move to this city.

Where You Want to Live

First of all, you obviously need to decide which district of New York you want to live in. Manhattan, Queens, Brooklyn, the Bronx, and Staten Island are all extremely different. Each one will offer you a living experience like no other. When you first move to New York, you will need to decide where you precisely want to live. Many can’t see themselves as living anywhere but in Manhattan. However, due to the premium rent prices here, you might be more inclined to look at one of the other boroughs.

It is extremely important that you look into life in each of the boroughs so you know what you are going to get. For example, a garden apartment in Queens is going to be very different from one in any other part of New York. You need to know what you are going to get yourself into and what the neighbourhood as a whole is going to be like before you move in.

Get Insured

In as busy a city as New York, you cannot afford to not get your belongings insured. Renters’ insurance should always be a must. It isn’t just about protecting your belongings against theft; it is so much more than that. Your renters’ insurance could also help to pay for a basic place to stay in the event that your apartment becomes unusable. The right policy might even provide liability insurance to protect you in the event that someone else gets injured while visiting.

The most popular renters’ insurance in NY will also protect you when you are out of your apartment. Whether you are a student, a freelancer, or you just need to travel with your electronics often, you are probably going to head out into the concrete jungle with your precious gadgets. This, of course, always carries the risks that your electronics might be stolen from you. Your renters’ insurance might protect you in this scenario. It can help you to either receive compensation or acquire a like-for-like replacement.

Research the Subway

Most New Yorkers ride the Subway. Available 24/7, it is the single easiest way to move around the city. If you are not a New York native, riding the Subway might be a little intimidating at first. You need to make sure that you give yourself enough time to acclimatise to it.

Ride your route to work a couple of times before you start your job. This means that on your first day, you don’t have to run the risk of getting lost on the Subway. You can also find the right exit at your stop and just get used to this mode of transport entirely. Try to ride at different times of day too so you can get used to rush-hour traffic.


Feeling a little isolated? Have you just moved to a completely different neighbourhood than all of your friends? You need to make sure that you get out of your apartment and learn everything there is to know about your new living place to avoid stress and learn to relax.

Is there a great café or bar nearby? Are there some exercise classes you can join in? You never know what is right on your doorstep until you take a look. With New York being such a mixing pot of cultures, you need to know what a neighbourhood is like when you move there. You might be moving next door to people who are practically cousins or it might be an amazing chance for you to learn something new about one of the amazing groups of people who call this city home.

New York represents a challenge to all who decide to live there. You might feel a little intimidated when you first move there. However, with the right base and a good head on your shoulders, there is no reason why you cannot live by yourself in this amazing city. Make sure you do your research about the city and the area you want to move to. Before you know it, you might be set up in your perfect apartment.