People are at this moment familiar with CBD and its intake methods. For example, using ingestible such as CBD cookies and gummies. Still, it can be a less easy task to understand how to vape and knowing how much is enough for your daily usage despite the familiarity. It’s even more complex for the newbies. You should also note that when people talk about CBD vape oil, they mean the specific CBD e-juice meant for vaping only. Yet, once you learn to identify the specific CBD vaping oil and use it appropriately, you will be good to go without much worry of abusing or underusing it.

First, Learn Your Dosage.  

CBD is commonly known for its vast medicinal benefits. From migraines to inflammation, CBD products are capable of relieving you from the symptoms of these diseases. Depending on what you want to treat, the dosages are different. However, if you are still unsure, you can stick to the appropriate intervals of 5mg. Additionally, it would help if you considered factors such as your weight, CBD tolerance, and disease severity. Even better, you can consult your physician before taking it. They will recommend a proper dosage for you.

Proceed to Use the Vape Device

After knowing the amount of CBD, you can take in, go ahead and read the instructions attached to the product. After that, you can switch the device on, or if it uses batteries, activate them. Next, place your mouth on the mouthpiece and pull in the vapor. Noteworthy, for some devices you need to press a button as you inhale.

After pulling in the vapor to your mouth, inhale now to the lungs; do not swallow the vapor. Once you have done that, hold your breath for a few seconds, then exhale slowly.  You can repeat this process from the beginning for the required number of times. Note that poor inhalation of the vapor may lead to coughing and throat irritation; therefore, you have to take your time when vaping.

Additionally, rushing to blow out the smoke may make the product less effective. The rule of thumb that applies to most vaping devices is the mouth to lungs rule (MTL). It is easier and more effective. Moreover, in between the puffs, take some time to note how your body reacts to the CBD.


Your main primary aim should be to make the most of your vaping session. You can tell that the session was successful when you feel less anxious or the symptoms you are treating start to subside. Vaping can be fun if you understand how to go about it at the same time. On the other hand, it can be an awful experience, especially if you do not know how to use the device. Thus, ensure you read the instructions attached carefully before you proceed to do anything else. Additionally, vaping devices function differently; hence if you are new to this, it will be helpful if you look for one that is easy to use.