For the brothers Grimm, it was clear who bears the Evil in the families and children to others: The hard-working gold Marie must weave her fingers bloody? The poor Cinderella is bullied and humiliated? A multiple murder attempt on snow white? And who was it again, the little brother enchanted in a deer and the sister, then the Queen, choked?

Julia Schaaf

editor in the Department “life,” the Frankfurt General Sunday newspaper.

F. A. Z.

Properly. For the role of the stepfather, however, neither the collectors of fairy tales is still the people’s mouth have particularly interested. A Mistake?

In Münster, came to the police a group of Pädokriminellen on the track, which is located in a well-tended garden, children severely abused. The investigators were shocked by the extent of the horror: the brutality of the Attacks and the technical perfection with which the acts filmed, encrypted and stored; the sheer mass of the data. The gazebo, one of two crime scenes, was equipped with the most modern cameras. In a basement, the investigators discovered a highly professional, air-conditioned server room. Seven suspects from different provinces to sit in detention. The victims: boys between the ages of five, ten and twelve years of age.

The friend of one’s own mother

As a key figure in the 27-year-old IT specialist Adrian V., who had been convicted in the past few years, twice because of the proliferation of child pornography to probation and due to paedophile inclinations of a therapy under had to pull applies. The ten-year-old Adrian V. not only repeatedly even abused, but also to other men for their deeds left to have, is now in the custody of the youth welfare office. His tormentor must have known the child for at least half of his life. At times, it is supposed to have with him lived. Adrian V. is the long-standing friend of the mother. The local tabloid claims that he had called him “dad”.

As the Staufen was still in württemberg, 2017 in baden? The case in Münster has not only, therefore, striking Similarities with what is Happening at the time, because in Staufen, a failure of Supervisory authorities and youth has been shown to help to study in Münster will be. In Staufen, a relevant criminal record Pädokrimineller offered a nine-year-old on the Darknet for Abuses. This man was the friend of the mother.

Two reasons for the over-representation

whether you see the process of announcements of a larger district court, or abuse cases from the past: step-fathers, hervorkramt fathers, stepfather, stepmother, again and again, fathers step. The new man at the side of the mother is systematically a risk?

child protection experts suspected a long time ago. “On the role of the stepfather is been discussed time and again,” says Heinz Kindler, of the German youth Institute (DJI) for many years with child endangerment. When it comes to violence against children, to babies who would totgeschüttelt, and all other forms of physical abuse, the new life of the mother companions over-represented.