Temperatures are rising in Germany. At the weekend, temperatures will reach almost 40 degrees Celsius in many places. Such high temperatures are particularly difficult for older people, children and people with cardiovascular diseases. Some tips.

It’s getting hot in Germany. People have to be prepared for very high temperatures of up to 40 degrees. Pretty nice actually. But you also have to protect your body from too much heat. For example with the following tips.

How does the body react to the heat?

He tries to lower the body temperature by increasing sweat production. Fluid, minerals and trace elements are lost through heavy sweating. In order to cool down, the blood vessels in the skin dilate. This lowers blood pressure and weakens circulation. In intense heat, this can mean that the brain is no longer supplied with sufficient oxygen – this leads to dizziness, headaches, fatigue and problems concentrating.

Who suffers the most?

People whose circulation is not very stable anyway are particularly at risk of heat – such as the chronically ill, overweight and the elderly. Babies and small children are also not yet able to sweat sufficiently and should therefore be given special protection. According to an AOK study, between 2008 and 2018 there were three percent more hospitalizations among over 65-year-olds on hot days.

While a healthy heart easily copes with the additional stress caused by heat, a diseased heart reaches its performance limits more quickly. Extreme heat may also require a change in dosage for some cardiovascular medications.

However, some experts recommend people with weak veins to wear support stockings, especially on hot days, so that the blood does not sink into the legs due to the dilation of the vessels and thus cause additional circulatory problems.

Which drinking quantities are advisable?

In general, about two and a half to three liters should be drunk throughout the day. Mineral water, cooled herbal and fruit teas or diluted fruit and vegetable juices are ideal thirst quenchers. They usually contain enough minerals to replace the salts that are sweated out. High-sugar sodas, on the other hand, cause even more thirst.

Beware of ice-cold drinks: they can cause stomach upset. In addition, the body has to work harder to heat the liquid to body temperature. It is better to avoid alcohol. It dilates the vessels, which puts even more strain on the heart.

What should you pay attention to when eating?

When eating, the following applies: no heavy and fatty food, but rather several small and light meals with lots of fruit and vegetables.

What else gives relief?

It is a good idea to wash your hands, neck and face with cold water from time to time. If you also put your legs up for a few minutes from time to time, you relieve the pressure on your blood vessels and prevent your legs and feet from swelling.

What helps you fall asleep?

If you are tormented by the heat when falling asleep, experts recommend a cool – not too cold – shower before going to bed. Do not dry off the moisture completely, but let it evaporate, which cools the body down. Light, airy pajamas made from natural fibers such as cotton are also recommended. The fiber absorbs sweat well – after all, the body sweats out half a liter of fluid at night, sometimes more.

Is exercise recommended?

Not every sporting activity is harmful to health. However, if possible, longer physical exertion should not be placed in the midday and afternoon hours. Then the load is highest. However, senior citizens, children and people with circulatory problems should not exercise when it is hot.

Which sun protection factor best protects against sunburn?

This primarily depends on the skin type, but at least a sun protection factor of 15 is recommended. For children there is a factor of 50 plus. The product should be applied at least half an hour before going out in the sun and renewed regularly. In general, the midday sun should be avoided between 11 a.m. and 3 p.m. Children should not be exposed to direct sunlight if possible.