Actor Alain Delon will file a complaint against his son Anthony Delon, denouncing comments that aim to “harm” him as well as his daughter Anouchka, his lawyer Christophe Ayela announced Thursday January 4 in a press release. At the heart of the discord: an interview with Anthony Delon granted to Paris Match, in which he declares that his father “is not doing well” and is “weakened”. He also claims in the same interview to have filed a complaint against his sister Anouchka, accusing her of not having informed him that their father would have failed “five cognitive tests” between 2019 and 2022. “By remaining silent, she clearly put him in danger,” he claims.

The 88-year-old cinema icon “told me that he was extremely shocked by the media outburst orchestrated by his son Anthony, who has only one goal, to harm the reputation of his daughter Anouchka, harm him, and achieve the unique relationship he always had with Anouchka,” reports the lawyer.

“But what father could stand that? », Reacted Alain Delon, quoted in Me Ayela’s press release. The actor “can’t stand the aggressiveness of his son Anthony who keeps telling him that he is senile” and, “more shocking” still, “claims that he would have lived his last Christmas”, reported the lawyer.

The star “also told me that unlike Anouchka, his son Anthony never (…) really cared about him, even today he sees him very little”. “He has once again used his name to gain publicity by publishing a book against him. He even added: “Leave me alone, and leave my daughter alone”,” says Ms. Ayela.

“He asked me to file a complaint, initially for defamation. And also to study the necessary procedures to stop the threats against himself and his daughter,” added the lawyer.

The complaints of the Delon children and Hiromi Rollin dismissed

Furthermore, the Montargis public prosecutor’s office announced a little earlier Thursday that the two complaints from Alain Delon’s three children against his companion, Hiromi Rollin, in particular for violence against a vulnerable person and abuse of weakness on their father, were dismissed for insufficiently characterized offenses.

Hiromi Rollin’s complaint, filed against the Delon children for violence during her eviction from the actor’s property in Douchy, in Loiret on July 5, 2023, was also dismissed for the same reasons, according to a press release from the prosecution.

On July 6, 2023, the Montargis public prosecutor’s office opened a preliminary investigation against the lady-in-waiting of the cinema monument, in particular for acts of moral harassment. Two complaints had been filed by the three Delon children, Anthony, Anouchka and Alain-Fabien.

The first complaint targeted acts of “moral harassment, misappropriation of correspondence and animal abuse”, according to the magistrate. The children denounced in particular “the denigrating and aggressive attitude” of Ms. Rollin towards Alain Delon and his children, as well as “her actions tending to capture his letters and telephone messages for her own benefit.” .

A second complaint was filed by the eldest son, Anthony, in a Parisian police station, also targeting Ms. Rollin for acts of violence against a vulnerable person and abuse of weakness.

“Nearly fifty witnesses” heard

According to the prosecution, the investigations carried out by the Orléans Research Section and the Montargis Research Brigade notably made it possible to hear “nearly fifty witnesses” and to “carry out searches at the homes of Alain Delon and by Hiromi Rollin.”

“No act of violence to the detriment of Alain Delon was noted by witnesses or by the health personnel who visited him regularly. (…) If Hiromi Rollin’s behavior could be described as directive by certain witnesses, there is no causal link with a deterioration in Alain Delon’s health likely to characterize the offense of moral harassment. The offense of abuse of weakness does not appear any more constituted,” writes the public prosecutor of Montargis, Jean-Cédric Gaux.

“Regarding the facts denounced by Hiromi Rollin, the use of video recordings makes it possible to rule out the commission of a positive act of violence on July 5, 2023,” adds the magistrate. “The offense of slanderous denunciation is finally not constituted, due to lack of characterization of bad faith on the part of the Delon children,” specifies Mr. Gaux.