The market of fiction you receive next Friday the first installment of Amazon Prime Video that comes from Spain. Small matches -performed by Atresmedia Studios in collaboration with Oz Entertainment and MedioLimón – will premiere our country, the U.S. and Latin america, through the online platform. Atresmedia the issue out in the open, after, already in 2019. The delivery consists of eight episodes of 50 minutes.

Written, directed, and starred by Javier Veiga is a romantic comedy that raises a few conflicts that reveal the genre of the film. Marta Hazas interpreted to the other party of a couple intended for -or not – to know each other, and to have children together -or-not. It will all depend on Small coincidences.

Veiga raised for this project a realization realistic, based on the location. Both the interior and exterior were filmed on actual locations, no sets. “Roll it all out, in Madrid, in the summer, 40 degrees has been a challenge,” said Gonzalo Sagardía, executive producer of Oz Entertainment during the presentation of the series.

Veiga also stressed the importance of the fidelity of the content with reality for the audience to feel identified. “The protagonists of this series are not in the 30 years, but in the 40, maybe it is an age more usual now to consider the fatherhood and the motherhood,” said the director and actor who shares work on this project with your partner in real life.

Marta Hazas agreed that it is “a hot topic in the society” that increasingly covers more years. “I wanted to tell it from the point of view of female and male and from a current point in time,” explained the actress. “This series is focused to a specific audience, you feel identified with the story,” insisted the interpreter, who highlighted the possibility of targeting a fiction to your target audience when you performed for platforms such as Amazon Prime Video.

Javier Veiga referred to the map of the current audiovisual in which you want to position your project. “In the last three or four years they have made series very good. The fiction in Spain has taken a leap brutal. We hope that we have gone in there, in this case from the comedy that maybe has had less evolution than the dramas,” he said: “We have a fear of romantic comedies, believe that they are a minor genre, a little moñas”.

But since Amazon rely on the plot of Small coincidences will make it to their subscribers. “What is important is the content and in this series we have identified one that will appeal to our customers”, emphasized Ricardo Carbonero, responsible for contents in Spain of Amazon Prime Video.

Between each chapter of Small coincidences happen a break for a month time. That is to say, the story travels eight months of the lives of the main characters. Packaged and ready for shipment.

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