The Minister of National Education, Youth, Sports and the Olympic and Paralympic Games, Amélie Oudéa-Castera, asked the Prime Minister to be able to “remove from acts relating to” the “Collège Stanislas”, a private Parisian establishment , where his children go to school, who is accused of “drifts” in an official report, Agence France-Presse learned from those around him on Thursday January 18.

The head of government, Gabriel Attal, accepted this request, said the minister’s entourage, confirming information from BFM-TV.

A mission from the general inspection of national education, mandated in 2022, Pap Ndiaye, after revelations from Mediapart, submitted its conclusions to Gabriel Attal at the end of summer 2023. According to our information, the mission reports shortcomings to the education code and in particular to the Debré law, which governs private education under contract, which is located in the 6th arrondissement of Paris.

In this reputedly conservative establishment, according to several press surveys, including that of Le Monde, a homophobic and sexist atmosphere reigns. The establishment is also cited in cases of sexual assault involving former chaplains and former executives including the former director Daniel Chapellier – who disputes the facts –, indicted for “sexual assault on a minor under the age of 15 years.”

On January 12, when she had inherited the national education portfolio for less than twenty-four hours, the minister had in fact attracted the wrath of the educational community, by justifying the schooling of her three children in this very conservative establishment due to the supposed absenteeism of public school teachers.