In the competition for the most used slogan, “Oudea, get out of there! » arrives prominently in the Parisian demonstration of national education staff, this Thursday, February 1st. On the signs or in the songs sung, the name of the Minister of National Education, Youth, Sports and the Olympic Games, Amélie Oudéa-Castéra, crystallizes the rejection. The various controversies which have punctuated the three weeks since his arrival at Rue de Grenelle on January 11 have sharpened the discontent of a profession which has already felt mistreated for years. Planned since December by the FSU, FO, CGT and SUD, the movement has been joined by almost all the unions and has broadened its slogans since the controversies of January.

“A minister at the level rather than groups at the level”, “AOC, a very bad vintage. » “AOC: put on your sneakers (you will be less off the ground)”, can we read on the boxes brandished throughout the procession which brought together 6,800 people according to the Paris Police Prefecture, Thursday afternoon. At least 1,600 people also demonstrated in Marseille, 2,500 in Lyon, 2,300 in Rennes, 2,300 in Nantes and 1,700 in Rouen, among others, according to the authorities relayed by AFP.

While voices within the majority are questioning the ability of Amélie Oudéa-Castéra to remain at the head of this superministry, this day of mobilization was closely followed by the executive, which must make known the full composition of his government in the coming days. Although the strike did not reach the level of January 13, 2022, in the midst of a health crisis, the mobilization was significant. The Ministry of National Education thus counts 20% of strikers among teachers, while the FSU unions count 40% of strikers in primary schools and 47% in middle and high schools.

“Reforms that contradict each other”

The ten teachers from the Littré school who parade behind a banner reading “Littré school: a group of mobilized teachers” attract attention. And for good reason: it was in this establishment in the center of Paris that Amélie Oudéa-Castéra educated her eldest son in nursery school in 2009, before opting for the private establishment under contract Stanislas. A school where a “lot of hours” were “not seriously replaced”, according to the minister’s comments on Friday January 12 which ignited the powder and for which she finally apologized, “the reality [him giving] wrong”. “The minister’s comments have exposed the government’s agenda, that of social sorting,” asserts Léa, a teacher at the school still affected by the controversy.