An investigation was opened in the fall of 2023 for public insult due to sexual orientation or gender identity, after a report from the general inspectorate of national education targeting the Stanislas private school in Paris , the prosecution informed Agence France-Presse on Friday January 19.

This report is based on a report, unveiled by Mediapart, which reveals homophobic and sexist “abnormalities” in this prestigious private establishment under contract located in the 6th arrondissement of Paris, which welcomes some 3,500 students from nursery to preparatory classes. .

The Paris prosecutor’s office confirmed to Le Monde that an investigation is underway into charges of public insult due to sexual orientation or gender, and incitement to hatred due to sexual orientation or gender. . This investigation, entrusted by the juvenile prosecutor’s office to the police stations of the 5th and 6th arrondissement of Paris, follows the first report from the general inspection of national education, sport and research (IGESR), under Article 40 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, which requires public officials to report any crime or offense brought to their attention. This report was received by the Paris public prosecutor’s office on October 19, 2023.

The report, dated July 2023, was submitted to the Ministry of Education on August 1, according to Mediapart, when Gabriel Attal was the minister, but had never been made public until Tuesday. “I would like to point out that this report does not reveal any acts of homophobia or any cases of harassment. The only case of homophobia was reported to the prosecutor via the article 40 procedure,” Ms. Oudéa-Castéra also declared on Wednesday on France 2.

The Paris public prosecutor’s office confirmed on Friday that it had received a new report from Céline Malisé, regional councilor for Ile-de-France, “on a teaching framework within the Stanislas establishment which does not appear to comply with the provisions relating to, in particular, to the teaching of sexuality of the teaching code”.

Valérie Pécresse maintains funding

The Ile-de-France region recognized Friday that “there were clearly shortcomings” at the Stanislas school, but “from the moment the State maintains the association contract” of this posh establishment in the 6th district of Paris, “funding is maintained”, summarizes the entourage of the regional president, Valérie Pécresse (Les Républicains), before the vote, on January 31 in the permanent committee, of a first envelope of 917,000 euros, the largest in the region for a private school.

This amount corresponds to 70% of the annual day school package, a compulsory subsidy, calculated according to the number of students and paid by the region which controls secondary education. The balance (30%) will be paid in July.

Valérie Pécresse asks “that the recommendations of this report be fully implemented, without delay” and that “justice be referred to” if “violations of the law” are noted, declares those around her.

Ms. Pécresse’s position to maintain funding differs from that of the City of Paris, Stanislas’s other public financier, which announced Wednesday evening that it would temporarily suspend its payments while awaiting “clarifications” from the State. .