The principal of a Florida charter school has denounced that she was forced to resign this week after some parents complained that sixth graders were shown images of Michelangelo’s David statue in class, according to reports. The Washington Post.

One parent believed that the art lesson on the Renaissance masterpiece amounted to pornographic material.

The principal, Hope Carrasquilla, assures that she submitted her resignation after a school board meeting in which she was given the choice between resigning or being fired. She chose to resign and claims that she was not told the reason why she was being asked to resign.

Barney Bishop III, president of the school board and a lobbyist, confirmed to The Post that he gave Carrasquilla an ultimatum following complaints from three parents who found the material about David “controversial” and not age appropriate. of their children. Bishop, who on the advice of school lawyers would not say why he asked Carrasquilla to resign, said there were several problems with the principal, including not notifying parents in advance that the Renaissance statue would be shown to their children.

“She was not fired because of the artistic nude images. We show her every year to our students,” Bishop said, adding that Carrasquilla “voluntarily resigned.” “The problem with this particular matter was the lack of follow through on the process.”

Tallahassee Classical, which follows a curriculum at Hillsdale College, Michigan’s conservative Christian institution that has helped launch dozens of charter “classical” schools across the country, is required to teach sixth graders Renaissance art. The David lesson also included images from Michelangelo’s “The Creation of Adam” and Botticelli’s “Birth of Venus.”

The director has acknowledged that she did not notify the parents about the content of the class, but she assures that while two parents were upset that they were not notified, but that one of them thought that their son was being exposed to pornography.

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