In Niger have been killed according to the authorities, six French and two Nigrer. Heavily-armed people on motorcycles have attacked the eight in the Region of Tillabéri in the West of the country, said on Sunday the Governor Ibrahim Katiela.

In the case of the French it was the employees of ACTED, a French aid organisation, the tourist on the go. The two Nigrer had been the driver and leader of the French. The Sahel region – an area of the Sahara from the Atlantic to the Red sea extends South – is considered to be very uncertain, because there are several terrorist groups are active.

a state of emergency since 2017

Some of them have the terrorist network Al-Qaeda or the Islamic state (IS) sworn Allegiance to. Again and again it also comes in the Niger attacks with many dead, mainly in the West of the country.

In Parts of the Region already since 2017, a state of emergency. Reason for this are the continuing attacks by the terrorists. Only at the end of June, ten employees of a local aid organization, were kidnapped. In may, 20 people were killed in a RAID on a village.