Bobbie Thomas, TODAY contributor, has spoken out about the death of her husband Michael Marion six months ago in an attempt to let others who are going through similar losses know that they’re not alone.

Thomas spoke with TODAY’s Hoda Kochb about her husband’s passing in December after he was admitted for complications due to problems with several organs. Marion also had a stroke at 40, but was now on the road to recovery.

Hoda told the beauty and fashion expert, “I feel so overwhelmed by the support but also incredibly isolated and lonely.” “Experiencing such pain has been really isolating. And other people going through it, it’s almost as if my heart is connected instantly.”

“It’s important that I say it loudly for myself and others that pain can be uncomfortable and we should not try to fix it. … Although there are many good intentions, you feel ashamed of your pain and it isolates you. That’s not okay.

Thomas believes that the pain of her loss is playing an important part in her life now.

“The pain is so precious for me. She explained that it’s my connection with him. “I don’t want the hurts to go away, because it gets farther away. … Because I am so alone and have so much support, I do my best to help others who are going through the same thing.

Thomas has been learning half a year since her husband’s passing to distinguish between “how you carry it” and “how to get over it or move on. She said that this was a new vocabulary for her.

Miles , their 5-year-old son, helped by keeping her husband’s memory alive.

“I talk about Michael and it’s important that he is surrounded by him. Miles has many vivid memories. When he walks in, he says, “Mom, look at Dad’s favorite candy.” He’s like, “Is this an excuse for you to eat the candy?” She laughed. She laughed.

She shared a story about a Michael close friend, Miles calling Uncle Andrew. Thomas, after a conversation with Miles, recalled a friend saying to him: “Your daddy was the best friend of mine, so you have a lot of responsibility.” This means that you are my best friend.

She said, “His smile was exactly like his face. He was so happy.”