It was at the end of the council of ministers that Gérald Darmanin, the Minister of the Interior, appointed Pierre-Edouard Colliex as new police prefect of Bouches-du-Rhône, Wednesday February 7, confirming the revelations of the newspaper La Provence. Until then, the 48-year-old civil servant had been police advisor to the Minister of the Interior since July 2022.

Previously, from 2021 to 2022, he held the position of police advisor to Paris police prefect Didier Lallement. From 2017 to 2021, Mr. Colliex served as National Police Ombudsman. From 2013 to 2017, he was stationed in Washington as internal security attaché. He also worked for six years in the public order and traffic department of the Paris police headquarters. At the start of his career, he also served for two years as sub-prefect and chief of staff to the prefect of the Pyrénées-Orientales.

“Its priority mission will be to continue a relentless fight against drug banditry and delinquency, and to ensure the smooth running of the Olympic events in Marseille. He succeeds Frédérique Camilleri, whom I thank for her determined action, which she will continue in Essonne,” assured Gérald Darmanin on X.

In Marseille, 50 deaths linked to drug trafficking in 2023

Her predecessor, Frédérique Camilleri, arrived at the Bouches-du-Rhône police headquarters in December 2020. She established a record for longevity in this position and in particular in comparison with Emmanuel Barbe when he was not there. stayed only nine months. Before arriving in France’s second city, she was deputy chief of staff to the Paris police prefect, Didier Lallement.

She had to manage, among other things, the securing of major events such as the arrival of Pope Francis in September, the Rugby World Cup, the preparation of the 2024 Olympic Games, Marseille will for example host the sailing events. She also had to face the explosion of “narchomicides”. Last year, nearly fifty people, mostly young men, lost their lives in violence linked to drug trafficking.

With the help of significant police reinforcements, Ms. Camilleri carried out a policy of harassment of points of sale with the aim of easing the daily lives of the inhabitants of certain cities. This strategy made it possible to reduce the number of deal points but not narchomicides, the number of which has never been so high.

She will be at the head of the Essonne prefecture, in place of Bertrand Gaume, new prefect of Hauts-de-France, who took office on Monday February 5. The president of the Ile-de-France department, François Durovray, welcomed the “new prefect of Essonne, Frédérique Camilleri, with whom I had the pleasure of speaking and with whom I look forward to working! », on X.