The presence of a “children manager” will be compulsory from this summer on each shoot employing minors, and will be a condition for receiving public aid, Rachida Dati announced on Saturday May 18.

“This will be a condition of access to aid from the CNC [National Center for Cinema and Animated Images],” said the Minister of Culture while traveling at the Cannes Film Festival.

This measure was requested by the actress Judith Godrèche, who has become an incarnation of the fight against sexual violence against children and of the movement

Impose a neutral referent

At the end of February, hearing in the Senate, the actress asked to “impose a neutral referent on filming with a minor, a referent who is not paid by the production, who is trained”, so “that a child does not is never left alone on set”, with “a more effective control system”.

“Who should we count on to ensure that from now on no child will be the victim of sexual or moral violence on a set or during a casting? », Launched the artist two weeks later, during a hearing before the children’s rights delegation of the National Assembly. Judith Godrèche concluded her introductory remarks by asking the deputies to “take the initiative of a commission of inquiry into labor law in the world of cinema, and in particular its risks for women and children”.