After the Corona onset in the meat factory Tönnies, with more than 1000 Infected has informed the NRW Minister Armin Laschet (CDU) about the situation. The head of the government took part in the morning, together with health Minister Karl-Josef Laumann at a meeting of the crisis unit in the district of Gütersloh. At the meeting, representatives of the embassies of Romania, Poland and Bulgaria took part, according to the circle.

At the lunch, the CDU/FDP Cabinet should be in Düsseldorf in a special session together. Laschet, you have to submit to the state Chancellery at 14.30 in the kreishaus Gütersloh, a Statement to the press.

After the Corona onset at the meat processor Tönnies to be dealt with in the district of Gütersloh is currently a total of 19 people because of a Covid-19-disease. It was “almost exclusively” to employees of Tönnies, said the Deputy press spokeswoman of the circle Gütersloh on Sunday at the request of the German press Agency. Six of them were intensively treated medically, including five employed by Tönnies. Two of the six patients were ventilated.

On Saturday afternoon, the number of positively tested Tönnies had located staff in the meat factory in Rheda-Wiedenbrück in 1029. The authorities have made all of the approximately 6500 employees under quarantine. The Series of tests of a total of 6500 employees on the factory premises of the company toennies will also continue on Sunday. The use of 40 mobile Teams, is planned to be the Deputy press spokeswoman of the circle Gütersloh said Beate Behlert, on Sunday. To the team staff of the procedure office, the German Red cross and the Bundeswehr are involved in each case. Also, interpreters were there. Some of the Teams were accompanied by police officers.

To Saturday, lunch was around 5800 samples taken. 3127 findings were: At 1029 Deal with the Coronavirus was detected in 2098 cases the result was negative. 65 Bundeswehr soldiers to help in the sampling.

quarantine zone in the course of set up

Important issue is the observance of the quarantine by the infected employee, remains. After positive Corona Tests on numerous Tönnies employees of the city (district Gütersloh) had set up on Saturday in a district of a quarantine zone. Several multi-family houses, in which contract workers of the company Tönnies are housed, were placed under quarantine, those residents are employees, not toennies -. The entire area was cordoned off with construction Fences. In the affected houses, nearly 670 people living in three streets in total.

The German Association of towns and municipalities warned in the light of the Corona-outbreaks of the past days in front of possible social conflicts. “We are not allowed to discriminate against people or to the detriment of the have ensured, for example, in the low-wage area, in poor housing, the cheap meat of the conditions of production in certain Farms,” said managing Director Gerd Landsberg, the Newspapers of the Funke media group.

Landsberg stressed that one should not make the people who live in cramped conditions, no charge, because it can come to be infections. Here, in particular, the companies are not required to provide not only decent wages and working conditions, but also, in particular for housing, in which adequate standards of hygiene can be guaranteed.