for weeks, the Corona was flattened curve in Hesse, beautifully and seemed to have since the beginning of June, a floor formed until they began to rise in the second half of July again. 158 new infections confirmed to the end of last week was the sad climax. Also at the weekend, the Hessian health authorities reported respectively three-digit new Covid-19-cases. But now they have recorded for the second time in a row of double-digit new infections. The results from the data of the Robert Koch-Institute.

Thorsten Winter

business editor and Internet coordinator of the Rhein-Main-Zeitung.

F. A. Z. Twitter

There is no mention of the 78 fresh cases, 34 from the day before, with the small number for a Monday is atypical: it is Not uncommon because of the weekend to delay the so-called Reporting. “Between the notification by Doctors and laboratories to the health Department and the Transfer of the cases to the competent state authorities and the RKI for a few days may pass,” said the Federal Institute.

How to read on his website, have registered with the authorities, no further deaths related to the pandemic. Accordingly, the Corona since the beginning-to entrust crisis officially 525 deaths. On the other side of 11,400 patients are considered as cured. That’s 100 more than the days before. It follows: To a victims computer come 21,7 Convalescent, a high value in comparison to the past few weeks. However, nearly 900 infections are not yet over. A few weeks ago, it had been only about half as many. Since March, the confirm Covid-19-cases add up to 12.815. Most of them, more than 2050, United Frankfurt on the least of the bird mountain circle with just under 150.

for a Long time Offenbach was at the end of the table of infection events. However, travellers returning to the Frankfurt’s neighboring city have brought a marked increase. The loosening of important Seven-days-incidence, the new cases within a week have climbed to a period of below 100,000 inhabitants, in the meantime, to more than 35. The critical mark is 50. Offenbach stricter notwithstanding this, compliance with the Mask in the public area and in the gastronomy. Train driver without a mouth and nose protection received fines. Meanwhile, the incidence has fallen below 25. On a white vest in the infections of the past seven days, and the incidence can, however, refer only to the circle of Waldeck-Frankenberg.

announced As the RKI and the F. A. Z. further, it will collect data on the number of Recovering not officially. The survey was also not provided for in the law. “However, one can assume that at least in the cases where the most information has been determined, had no severe symptoms, and were not admitted to hospital, the fact that you are at the latest to recover after 14 days”, – is spoken in Berlin. The RKI guess the number of Recovering.

The Ministry of social Affairs published a daily Overview of the Corona development, broken down by cities and districts. It refers to the Numbers of the RKI. Until a few days ago, it also took into account data of the Hessian land testing and Untersuchungsamts in the healthcare sector, the government Presidium of Giessen, the health agencies must report new cases. To achieve consistency, the Ministry of the RKI information.