In Germany, have been reported within a day 3943 Corona infections. As the Robert-Koch-Institute (RKI) announced this Tuesday morning, citing information from the health offices, dropped the so-called Seven-day incidence easy to 65.4. On Monday, the value of 65.8 had to be.

Within 24 hours of 358 for more deaths in connection with a Corona have been reported infection reported. Exactly one week ago, the RKI had recorded within a day 3883 new infections and 415 new deaths.

The RKI counted since the beginning of the pandemic 2.451.011 proven infections with the Virus Sars-CoV-2 in Germany. The actual total number is likely to be considerably higher, since many infections are not detected. The number of people who have recovered from the RKI was about 2.264.600. The total number of people who have died of or with the participation of a proven infection with Sars-CoV-2, increased to 70.463.

Seven-day incidence of more than 60

The Seven-day incidence of commutes since the days of the trademark 60. The value is the number of new infections per 100,000 inhabitants in this time period.

The incidence is a major scale in the imposition or relaxation of Corona-restrictions. Goal of the Federal government and States it is currently, to push the value on the under 35’s. Four weeks ago, at 2. February, had located the incidence at 90. Her previous high was 22. December 197,6 been achieved.

On Wednesday will advise Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) and the Minister of the interior and President of the follow-up of the Corona pandemic.

The nationwide Seven-day-a-R-value was, according to the RKI-location report from Monday 1.01 (previous day to 1.08). This means that 100 Infected computer table 101 for more people. The value is in each case, the infection happened before 8 to 16 days. It is for an extended period, 1, wane, the infection happened; he sustained it, the case numbers.