In France have become infected since Friday, 2551 people confirmed with the Coronavirus. This corresponds to an increase of approximately 850 Corona cases per day. Already last week, had infected two days in a row, each more than 1000 people with the new Coronavirus attached. The Neuansteckung within the past three days is still higher than the average of 677 cases per day since the beginning of the month, as the radio station “France Info” reported.

“The spread of the Virus in France goes on,” warned the Ministry of health on Monday in a press release. Overall, the number of infections sun currently 183.079 since the beginning of the epidemic. “The latest epidemiological Trends still show a slow deterioration,” said the Ministry. The new Coronavirus triggered the epidemic, has called in France, meanwhile, 30.209 deaths, nine of them within the last 24 hours.

At the same time, the number of active Covid-19-cases in hospitals decreased by 65 5655, such as the Ministry of health announced more. The same is true for particularly serious cases, the need for intensive medical care. This is currently the case on 398 patients, twelve less than on Friday.