Within 24 hours, the health offices have reported in Germany, the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) 601 new infections with the Coronavirus. On the previous day, the number had located with 770 cases, noticeably higher than on previous days. The increase in case numbers is mainly due to major outbreaks in North Rhine-Westphalia, Hesse and Berlin, it was said by the RKI.

Due to an outbreak in a meat processing operation of the East Westphalian Gütersloh district exceeds the Federal government and the länder agreed threshold of 50 Corona infections within a week per 100,000 inhabitants currently clear. The SPD politician Karl Lauterbach called for a Lockdown. Until Saturday, the number of acquired new infections rose to well over 1000. For many employees of the battle company, Tönnies Tests were still pending. All of the approximately 6500 Tönnies-employees at the location in Rheda-Wiedenbrück had to with all household members in quarantine. “We have no significant entry of coronavirus cases in the General population,” said the district administrator of the Kreis Gütersloh, Sven-Georg Adenauer.

The reproduction number, in short the R-value, according to the RKI estimates with data 19.6., 0.00 at 1.06 (previous day: 0,86). This means that an Infected person infects an average of a little more than other people. The R-value in each case forms the infection from happening about a week and a half before. Since the middle of may, the RKI is also a so-called Seven-days-R. It refers to a longer period of time and is therefore subject to less current fluctuations. According to the RKI estimates of this value increased with data 19.6., 0.00, 1.17 (previous day: 1,0). He shows that the Infection occurred from 8 to 16 days.

the estimated reproduction numbers (R-value and 7-day R-value) slightly above 1, show that the number of new cases don’t go back at the moment and was from the RKI. This would be related to the local clusters. “Because the case numbers in Germany to a low level, influence these outbreaks, the value of the reproduction number of relatively strong.” A General increase was used to derive so far.

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in Total have been infected since the beginning of the Corona-crisis 189.135 people in Germany demonstrated that Sars-CoV-2, as the RKI reported on Saturday morning (data 20.6., 0: 00). 8883 confirmed with the Virus infected people have died thus, in Germany. Three Covid-19-deaths in under 20 Year olds have been sent. The deceased were between 3 and 18 years of age and had pre-existing conditions. About 174.400 people have survived the infection, according to the RKI estimates.