The front of Mauritius damaged Oil cargo ship threatens to break in two parts. The crack in the hull on a coral reef on a grounded cargo ship “Wakashio” have expanded, informed the Japanese operator group Mitsui OSK Lines on Tuesday. Since the ship could not travel alone, be it a tractor, to not abort.

From the already leaked 1180 tonnes of fuel had been around 460 tons from the sea and on the beach collected. Up to the early hours of Tuesday (local time) had been pumped out, also, around 1020 tons from the freighter. The ship had about 4,000 tons of fuel aboard. It is about two kilometers from the mainland, is located in a lagoon close to several nature reserves.

last Thursday there was a crack in one of the Tanks of the vessel, whereupon the Oil was spilt. The island nation in the Indian ocean, called for an environmental emergency. In order to prevent further Leaching, the authorities and a team to pump the remaining approximately 1800 tonnes out of the ship, informed the Japanese company.

“The worst ecological Disaster”

On the question of why the Oil had not been pumped out before the Occurrence of the crack, said company spokesman Atsushi Hara of the dpa on Tuesday, it had not been the highest priority, to get the run aground ship afloat. However, that was not due to adverse weather possible, so the owner, Nagashiki Shipping.

With the Oil already huge damage was caused, said the Advisor to the government of Mauritius, Ken Arian, on Monday. “This is the worst ecological Disaster that has seen Mauritius ever.” Environmentalists fear that the oil Spill can have a devastating impact on the marine ecology.