She promised to “change the method”. During a trip to Nièvre focused on education, Elisabeth Borne wanted to address the “sensitive point” of class closures in rural areas, with more anticipation. “Today they are announced a few months in advance. We want to be able to anticipate, share transparently with elected officials and have an approach over several years, in order to find appropriate answers, “said the Prime Minister.

This is his first trip to the region for almost two months, intended to highlight education, about which the executive wants to provide “concrete answers”, such as on health and ecology, in framework of the roadmap entrusted to it by the President.

Accompanied by the Minister of Education, Pap Ndiaye, and the Minister Delegate for Rural Affairs, Dominique Faure, Ms. Borne discussed with the pupils and teaching teams of the Albert-Camus primary school and the Jean-Rostand college in La Machine “on the issues of schooling and equal opportunities in rural areas”.

She attended an English course in co-teaching between college teachers and school teachers at the Jean-Rostand college, before participating in Nevers on the municipal council for children (8-13 years old) and the municipal council for juniors (14- 17), who shared with him their “proposals to improve the public service of education”.

“Systematic” replacements

Elisabeth Borne again assured the press that the government “is committed to ensuring that from the start of the school year there can be systematic replacements, including for short-term absences”. She also mentioned “the generalization of rural educational territories, doubling them from next year”. Goal: 300 within three years, according to those around him.

Created on an experimental basis in the spring of 2021, the rural educational territories (TER) bring together all the actors (State, communities and associations) around the child to contribute to his career and his success. According to data from the Ministry of National Education, there are currently “65 TER, in 10 academies and 40 departments, with 92 colleges and 665 schools”.

She finally said that she would like the development of boarding schools in the most isolated high schools, “so that young people are not constrained in the choice of their high school by geographical distance, and therefore that they can access the courses they want. “.

About 150 people demonstrated near the Ducal Palace in Nevers, where Elisabeth Borne was to go. “They want to occupy the field on other themes and say that the government has moved on,” said Carole Douspis, of the CGT de la Nièvre.